Thursday, May 22, 2008

Dean has always noticed the underdog, the
different, and the isolated ones, and tried to
befriend them.
My earliest memory of his sensitive nature was when
he was 2 and 1/2 years old. I used to take him weekly
to the beach to feed the gulls. He enjoyed throwing
the bread to them and then seeing how close they would
come to him to get bread out of his hand.
One day when were at the shoreline, we noticed a young
man in a wheelchair at the edge of the sand in the
parking lot. Suddenly, he pushed out of the wheelchair
and dropped to the sand. He started to slowly drag
himself across the sand towards the water. I thought
about how rocky this beach was as one got closer to
the water. Dean must have had the same thought, but he
sprung into action. He ran towards the man and started
clearing rocks out of his path. Dean was so
concentrated and working hard at it, throwing rocks to
the right and to the left. The man stopped and looked
up at Dean and then continued on realizing what was
happening. They were now a team. When he reached the
waterline, he sat upright, and Dean plopped down next
to him, and they sat silently together looking at the
ocean. I realized that I had been so mesmerized, that
I had not moved from my spot on the beach. I was so
warmed by what he had done at only 2 and 1/2 years
old. I thought he was an amazing little guy. After a
few minutes, i called to Dean to go. He got up patted
the man on the back and said something. He leaned down
as if listening to a reply, and then ran to me. As we
walked back up, I asked him what he had said. He
replied that he had asked the man if he needed Dean's
help to get back. The man responded that that he would
take the same path back and would be fine. I did not
tell dean that he was special for doing this, because
I wanted him to always keep his helpful nature and not
think that he was doing something out of the norm. I
told him instead that he had done a great job clearing
the rocks out.
Through out Dean's life he has brought home the
strangest people. I had to tell him as he got older
not to bring home the homeless that he met and felt
sorry for. He continually befriended the outcasts in
school and those who were different. He respected all
life, including lives of insects. There were many
times that I had to go get a spider out of his room
because he refused to smash it. He was gentle with
children and animals. Both flocked to him. Whenever
I was mad or irritated with Dean, I would bring up the
memory on the beach, and my anger dissipated. Dean is
still exactly like that little boy.
I know that no matter how lost he became as a
teenager, he would never take another life. He
thought being macho was being tough with your fists.
Weapons were for sissies. Killing is not in his
Dean is emotional, intense and goofy funny.
I believe him that he is innocent, and I am grateful
that he had 4 years of freedom after his appeal. He
worked, traveled and got to know all his relatives,
and show them who he now is. He was lost as a
teenager, but now is not. Dean has paid for his
mistakes and I now pray that God will get us the right
jury that will see his innocence.

Love, Mom

Thursday, May 15, 2008

“It’s of more importance to community, that innocence should be protected, than it is, that guilt should be punished.” – John Adams

I hope and pray that the jury in your case agrees with John Adams. Even though you associated with the wrong crowd in your youth, you have never wavered from your love of all living beings. I can tell countless stories of you when we were kids refusing to smash spiders in my room, sticking up for the unpopular, giving your last dollar to the unfortunate.
Your character never changed. It always makes me smile to think of you now, giving what little money you have to whatever stranger comes to the front door with their special cause in hand. And I love to tell people the story of you rushing across the street to the dog park to break up a fight between a large and small dog. Everyone else froze, but you jumped in the middle and saved the little dog's life. Her owner was so thankful, and to you it was natural because you never want to see anything suffer.
Your family and friends know the genuine and kind hearted person you are. I love you and have the utmost faith in your innocence. I just pray that the jury can see past the false accusations and be strong enough to speak out for the truth.

Love, your sister, Andrea