Thursday, July 31, 2008

10th Day Of Trial

Today was the last day of the prosecutions case. Our defense case started in the late afternoon.
My parents, Andrea, and my sister in law Jae were there.
Alex Correa, an investigator from the last trial for the prosecution was on the stand. He commented on the interview he gave to Willie, and said that it is standard procedure to lie to suspects to get them to talk. He also talked about his interviews with other suspects. I do not think of him as an honest person. I hope the jury saw that. He was the one who got the informants to say that everything bad was Dean.
We also had a "gang expert" on the stand who talked about gang behavior. Our attorney questioned him about things that are important for our case. He verified things that we wanted him to even though he was the witness for the prosecution. He seemed more afraid of the prosecutor than of Dean's lawyer.
We brought a Doctor to testify how old of a wound Dean's cut was. The wound was at least 7 days old not 4 like the prosecution wants it to be. The prosecutor was so mean to the Doctor, but he held his own.
Andrea also testified about her car and the condition it was in when she had it back from Dean, and what Dean was like growing up with and how he could never kill any one. It was an emotional moment for me seeing my son at the defense table looking at his sister testifying on his behalf. It shouldn't be that way and I would not wish that type of poignant moment on any parent. I was proud though of Andrea. It is difficult not getting angry with the prosecutor because he gets mean and acts like everyone is a liar. She kept very calm though.
I hope Dean can do the same. I know the prosecutor will come hard at him.
We have a break for three days, and then our case continues. I feel for Andrea, because she has a businees trip to go on Sunday to New York, and she will not be back until mid day on wednesday. She hopes that she does not miss Dean's testimony. May be that is a good thing though. It could be too intense for her. It is terrible timing, but can't be helped.
Christine, Jays sister will be called, and so will Mona on Monday or Tuesday. It will be a nail biting week. Hope to see some of you there. Keep up the prayers.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

9th day of trial

Hi everyone,
Thanks Mississippi friends and family for the lovely poster! Thanks Kitty for your warm wishes.
Today was just allright. The prosecution had on more forensic people. He established that there was the victims blood on part of Dean's left shoe. This will be explained in Dean's testimony.
We know the real reason the blood is there. It was also established that there was none of the victims blood in the Blazer, and none of Deans blood at the scene of the crime.
There was also an investigator for the prosecutor who showed a video of Willie's first interview. I think the video looked better for us than the prosecutor. It showed two cops bullying Willie and not allowing him a lawyer, and feeding him information that he better say which would be "telling the truth". I think they said Dean's name at least 8 times before Willie said it. They also told him that they knew everything and told him that he went in the Blazer and had a knife and went by the railroad tracks where the apartments are and that he went back to an apartment where the cops came and everyone ran. Then they said but we will not tell you anything. You have to tell us. They also named names that they wanted him to say were in the car. He finally vaguely said everything that they wanted and thought he would be let go. Instead they arrested him. No wonder he did whatever they wanted on the stand two days ago. He is scared of them, and wants his freedom. I really think the jury was smart enough to see how they lead him and then to figure out that it is the exact way they got information from everyone else. They told everyone right away that Dean had told them everything and ratted them out, even though this was not true. Criminals sure can be stupid when they believe the police during interrogations.
My friend Barbara came with me today, and she found it very interesting. Andrea was also there too. She might be taking the witness stand soon if the prosecution's case is over tomorrow.
He still has a "gang expert" to be put on the stand and some letters that Dean wrote when he was very young to a friend that is supposed to make him look bad. I really do not think the defense will start their case until Monday, but we shall see tomorrow.
Keep those prayers coming. The Bible says that the more people that pray for the same thing, the more God listens.

Thoughts from Las Vegas

Hi Dean,

Please know that I think of you every day and am praying for an end to this nightmare. I pray to God that you will be returned home where you belong. I pray that you are treated justly and fairly and as such there will be no doubts as to your innocence. I love you and miss you and wish I could be with you during trial. I am grateful for this website so that I can know of your progress.

Love always, Aunt Kitty

Words of Encourgement from the South

Hi Dean... Sara and her friends made you a poster this morning. She wanted to let you know that they all said a prayer for you and asked God to do the right thing and set you free. We love you and hope to see you in Mississippi real soon!

Love From the South! Sara, Sam, Dennis & Jean

Madi, Sara, Sarah, Jordan, Shawn

Dean We Believe In You!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

8th day of trial

Today was a fairly good day. My Dad and Mom came to keep me company. The two eyewitnesses to the crime {that do not have a deal with the prosecutor} described the two assailants. Their descriptions described nothing that looked like Dean, but instead more like the looks of two of the informants. They also never saw a Blazer in the area. Instead, one saw a small passenger car. These eye witnesses lived right above where the crime was committed.
Also, the two patrollmen on duty the night of the crime, said that when they showed up to the scene after the crime, they never noticed a Blazer there. We know Dean and the Blazer were never involved.
There was also a DNA expert that said the DNA that she received on a lab slide was not taken off the sock by her. It was brought to her and told that it was from a sock of Deans. How do we know if slides got mixed up or not, or even mislabeled?? This slide tested positive for the victims blood. Also the slide that was supposed to be from Dean's sock and supposed to show that it was indeed Dean's sock was deemed inconclusive. This is all very strange and questionable as to the organization of the sheriff's lab.
Tomorrow, there is another forensic person on the stand.
Dean got upset today that the female bailiff did not let him shave. He wants to complain to the judge but his attorney says that is not a battle to take on. Poor Dean. He is so stressed. I thought he looked just fine.
The prosecutor thinks that his side of the case will be done this week. I sort of doubt it though.
Andrea took a break from trial and went to work. Her boss has been great. She leaves this Sunday though for a business trip to New York. She will be back wednesday around noon. I think the break will do her good.
Thanks to everyone who has sent their nice wishes.

Jack and Charlie say Hi to you Dean!

Hi Dean,

We went to see your mom and dad last Sunday. We had a good time at their backyard, pool with your sister Andrea, your mom and dad. We played with Joaquin the dog and Jack sat on his back for 10 seconds. Joaquin did not mind it at all. We played at the pool until 7 pm and my mom and dad had a delicious hamburger that your mom and dad made. We have not met you yet but we will real soon. We will count the day we will meet you,Dean our fellow Pisces.

We love you, Jack and Charlie

Monday, July 28, 2008

Support from South America

Dean, I think a lot of you and pray to God that you get out of this incredible situation. I wish to see you soon. Don´t forget that the Schmid Family in Uruguay loves you, specially our three kids. They all remember you and loved to play with you. Let´s hope we can do that soon agani. You´´r always welcome at our home.


Gregor, Carla, Christian, Philip and Priscilla

Positive Thoughts from Switzerland

Andrea - Mirjam and I are reading the blog – and it’s quite hard. So we can imagine, how hard the time is for Dean, you and your family. It’s no easy to find the right words. I mean, I think even you and your family can’t really realize what’s going on there, for us here in Switzerland it’s even more unbelievable andy crazy. Your law-system seems to be crazy! We think a lot about Dean, you and your family and we hope, that everything will go the right way. We’ll see Dean again soon! Of course also Jael would.

Hey Andrea, Mirjam, Jael and I send Dean, you and your family a lot of power, energy and strongness to get through this situation!!! We think about you every day. Take care.

7th day of trial

Today was the most depressing day of all. Two informants who got out of life sentences to testify against Dean went on the stand today. Willie, was supposedly at the scene of the murder with Dean, and Ramone was supposedly at the scene afterwards. They basically were puppets to whatever the prosecutor said and then couldn't remember anything or were fuzzy on the questions that Dean's attorney asked. They conflicted in various areas of their stories, but the similarities were that Dean did it and was in the blazer.
It is just very shocking to see people get on the stand and blatantly lie. It is to save themselves, and one day karma will get them, but now it is scary for Dean.
Andrea is sort of catatonic right now. I am hanging in there. I have more faith in eternity than she does.
The worst is behind us now. I will feel better when it is the defenses turn to present Deans side.

Friday, July 25, 2008

The Power Of Prayer

I have been having a heavy heart the past few days and can only imagine what you are going through. Dean stay positive and confident. The power of positive thinking is strong but not as strong as God so don't forget to pray. I wake up each morning Dean and talk to God for you on my back deck. I guess you could say we have coffee together. He has a higher purpose for you and this soon will pass and all will be right again in the world again when you are released. Can't wait for that day what a celebration there will be. Our house is always open to you if want to come to Mississippi for a visit!
Love you!!!!! Jean

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Sixth day of trial

I had a break this morning and got my hair done. Meanwhile, Andrea and friend Jordana were at court watching the testimony of Johnny Roy, another informant. He didn't look as high today. Deans attorney got him to admit on the stand how many times he has lied. He actually helped our case more than hurt us.
I arrived after lunch and heard more of Roy's lies and admitting lies and him showing the jury all his tattoos like he was proud of them. It was strange. The judge was looking at the prosecutor like he was crazy to have this person as his witness.
Remember this Judges name for those in Orange County. Keep voting for him. He is so fair, and calm, and all about the law, with no political agenda. John Conley. We thank God that we have him.
The prosecutor got that video tape of no blazer in front of the apartments enhanced so that it is so white everywhere, objects disappear. He keeps imagining that the blazer is there when we all do not see it. The jury will have all the tapes in the jury room and then they can play them and decide.
All in all, today was a good day. Poor Dean had handcuffs stuck on him and the keys jammed. They finally got huge wire cutters and cut the handcuffs off.
I have no idea who the witness will be Monday. I look forward to no trial for 3 days.

Dean warm's your heart ...

It was mentioned that Dean had been a lost person for awhile and that is when he became involved with a gang. While that is simply put, I feel it is necessary to expand on these comments.

Sociologists claim that gang members often come from single-parent or dysfunctional households, and many have parents who are gang bangers themselves. Well this does not describe Dean’s immediate and expanded family. Dean was raised by two loving parents who were high school sweethearts. Dean’s father, Jay was raised in a Catholic family of 9 children in California while his mother, Tara also grew up in California with childhood sweethearts in a family of 3 children. When Dean was born, he was the first grandchild and nephew to 4 grand parents and 10 aunts and uncles.

I shared my brother’s home when Dean was 4 years old and his sister, a mere 5 months. At the age of three, Dean wouldn’t let anyone help him out of the car; he was eager to do these simple tasks on his own. When he started Kindergarten, he took the school bus on his first day rather than be escorted by his mom. He was a young man in a little boy’s body. Looking at that picture of him getting on the bus today helps me understand his desire for independence.

Similar to many children growing up with the pressure and expectations of family and friends to perform well in school and life, Dean wanted independence at a young age. We all have been through it at some point in our childhood where we thought we knew better than our parents and any other elder influence. However most of our rebellion involved simple mistakes and we learned to seek out experience for help.

Unfortunately for Dean, he grew up in a community that had a gang influence. If "gangs" were not in or around San Clemente, Dean would have made the same mistakes we all did during those years and returned to the safety and discipline of his family. I do not believe Dean knew that the group of friends he came to know and trust as friends, friends that had no expectations or rules would later become involved with a gang. In fact, because of Dean’s innate nature, (Dean was the kid who would never step on a spider and cry if you killed an ant.) I don’t believe Dean realized the path his so-called friends were headed down.

So now Dean, coming from the most privileged family, the “white boy” among the group, is being targeted by people he thought were his friends. Dean never really belonged and that has become more evident today. Take a hard look at these self-proclaimed witnesses who are in and out of jail and continue to be a menace to society while to the contrary, Dean who has led an exemplary life over the past several years. Dean has held jobs where he excelled and would be able to obtain excellent references. Dean rejoined both his immediate and extended family. He lived with his grand parents in Davis, CA, his Uncle Danny and Aunt Vicki in Dixon, CA, and his Aunt Christine and Uncle Mike in Henderson, NV. He also returned home to live with his parents and traveled to visit many of his relatives.

Having employed Dean at the Call Center I managed, the only difficulty he caused was in raising the bar for the other employees. Always to work 10 minutes before his shift, remaining up to 10 minutes after to complete his work, he was unlike the remaining 75 employees on staff. Not only was he discipline and diligent in his work ethic but his friendly demeanor helped him to excel in sales. By gaining trust and confidence from his clients sales came very easy to him. Dean finally found something he was good at, talking to people. When he returned home to San Clemente, he found another sales position where he again outshined his peers.

So in closing I would say that if you knew Dean, if you were around him when he was a child, or even today as an adult, you could easily see that he warms your heart and wouldn’t harm a soul.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Pointing Fingers

Isn't it amazing the things people will say and do in order to save themselves. Clearly this is what you will have to hear about until the prosecution comes up with a real witness...oh yeah, they probably don't have one! The more liars they put on the stand the better. Remember all it takes is that ONE jury member to see that the stories don't add up. It should be easy (for anyone with common sense) to see that people point fingers when they know it's the easy way out. I agree with Mona in that Dean is so brave to stand up for the truth. We don't see him pointing any fingers, do we? Especially when he is the one with his back against the wall.
When Dean's second chance comes around, and it will, he will choose friends with the same values and standards he holds himself to; respect, honesty and compassion. Not the type of friends that try to change us into someone we are not. Like those we sometimes choose when we are young and looking to fit in. Those who will say anything to save their own skin.
Hang in there Tara, Dean , Andrea and Jay.
I Believe you have "THE ONE" on the jury that reads between the lines :)

Fifth day of trial

It seems like it has been so much longer than five trial days. It was not a very good day. Both attornies struggled and dragged out testimony from Rocky Salazar, one of the informants. The jury had seemed ready to be done with him yesterday, so I do not know how much they listened to. Detective Hoffman was the next person on the stand and his testimony was boring too. A lot of photos were shown of the area of the murder and then photos of the car. A video was played by the prosecution where no white car could be seen but they pretended that they could see it just like in the Emperors New Clothes fairy tale.
Another informant named Johnny Roy took the stand, and he told a slightly different story than Salazar. He looked and acted like he was high on speed. It will be interesting in the end to compare the various versions of "Dean done it".
It really is weird seeing these former friends of Dean sitting not 30 feet from him and saying the things they are saying to destroy his life. I wonder what he thinks.
Tomorrow morning, I have another appointment so I will miss the rest of Roy's testimony which is just as well. Andrea and her friend Jordana who is also an attorney will be there. I will go in the afternoon.
Thanks for your good wishes and positive thoughts Mona and Jacobs family. Also Jean, thanks for your nice words when you are going through something tragic too.


To Dean:
You have been on my mind throughout the day. I've been sending positive vibes out to you and to your Mom. I've also been sending vibes to the Jury...I want them to be mindful and alert through this whole ordeal.
I hope your Mom wasn't alone in court today. It is driving me crazy that I can't be there.
Good news is...I've been getting positive vibes about you!
As always, my Angels are there with you helping your Angels!
It takes a village!!!
I love you Dean.
Hang in there - you are very resilient - this is the light at the end of the tunnel - so don't lose faith now. I want you to know I think you are very brave to put yourself out there and stand up for the truth. Yes, you are one very brave man and I am proud of you!!!
Lots of love, hugs and kisses!!!
We all love and support you!
Grandma, Grandpa, Bobby, Danny, Vicki, Andy, Becky, Kyle, Jenny, Christopher, Angela, Cindy, Michael, Christine, Mike, Kitty, Sam, Sara, Jean, Dennis, and yours truly MONA.
oops....can't forget Joaquin - that fat man misses you the most!!!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

4th day of trial

This morning I woke up late due to being up alot with mild food poisoning from the restaurant last night. I got to the courts a little after 9:30am. A San Juan gang member was on the stand relating that he saw a white blazer cruising the neighborhood the night of the murder. He described the driver as someone totally different than Dean. He also did not remember seeing any stickers on the car, and we had San Clemente highschool stickers on the front windshield and a big USA sticker on the back.
After that witness, the prosecution had one of the informants named Rocky Salazar on the stand. He gave his memorized testimony from before that he was at an apartment when Dean and 4 guys came back from the attack. Supposedly Dean told him everything about it at that moment. Then, the police came on a patrol, he said, and that everyone ran. He said Deans car was parked right in front when the police came. When Deans attorney cross examined, Rocky admitted that he had changed his stories of the events every time he had been questioned by the police. He also admitted that when he made his deal to inform and blame Dean, the cops provided him with details of the story that they wanted. The prosecutor kept objecting and most of the time was denied by the judge. There were a few behind the scenes battles in judges chambers and the prosecutor kept shaking his head, but Dean's lawyer did not back down. I think the jury got the message that this criminal informant is just that, a criminal and a liar. He made deals so that he would not have to go to prison. I felt sorry for the jury because the questioning on the same matters went on for soooo long. I wish that Rocky would just say that the truth is : the cops provided the story and that he really does not know what happened that night. That is a movie type fantasy though.
Tomorrow morning, he will still be questioned by Jack Early, and then the prosecutor will have him again. I wonder if he will have another informant on tomorrow. It is amazing how all the supposed friends of Dean turned to save themselves from going back to prison. They all have different stories though.
I was really tired when I got home this evening and took a nap before making dinner. At least Jay understands.


To Dean:
I'm sitting here tonight, thinking about how difficult this whole ordeal has been for you. I see the pain in your Mom, Dad and Andrea's eyes. I know they are feeling very powerless right now and they are very concerned for your welfare. Yet knowing you, I sense you are equally concerned for them. I know it hurts you deeply to see their pain. You must remember, you have a very strong family. Remember how mad your Mom used to get when you got hurt? Well you are hurting now and this angers her too. Your Dad is showing a strong front yet he wishes he could make it all go away. Your Dad has a strong faith and he believes in you! Andrea is hurting, but she is putting her energies toward making sure everyone else is doing their job. You know Andrea, that is how she handles problems, very analytically. Please don't loose faith and always know your family and true friends are behind you supporting you 110%.
I hope once this whole ordeal is behind you, you can begin to enjoy life again. I remember how passionate you are about life. You show a unique interest in knowing people and hearing their life stories. And you always seem to find the humor in any situation! I miss sitting around the dinner table and listening to your animated stories about simple things that have happened in your day. You make me laugh and I forget about my trivial problems of the day. You truly bring me Joy.
This Dean, is your honest, genuine and human personality. This is who you are and what has made all of us love you that much more.
Dean your honesty and your loving nature is truly a blessing and I am so very proud of you! Yet, this isn't anything new I am learning about you. You've had these qualities your entire life - through good times and in bad.
I really enjoy spending time with you and God willing, I hope we get you home soon. I rembember you asking me to attend a play with you not so long ago. I sure hope to have that opportunity again in the near future.
I HOPE YOU FELT MY ANGELS TODAY. I asked them to give you a sign and bring you peace. I asked them not to leave your side.
I miss you Dean.
I love you.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Day 3 of trial

Wow, It was a fairly heavy day: opening statements. Dean's grandpa Martin came, as did friend Brittney and Andrea's boss Dave. Jay came too. It was ironic that on Jay's 55th birthday, he was sitting at his son's trial listening to terrible things being said about him. Brittney was told to leave because she is a potential witness, and Andrea and I were told that we could not take notes.
The prosecution started and it took them three hours to lay out their case. Dean was basically portrayed as a high level gang member that brutally killed another rival gang member. It was unfortunate that Andrea's boss had to leave after that and never got to hear the rebuttal. What he must think?? He has been very good to Andrea though, and supportive.
Jack Earley came back with the defense side of things. He took two and 1/2 hours. He pointed out the lack of evidence, and the constant lying of the people who said it was Dean. They changed their stories and were still believed. We were shocked to hear that the snitches had been arrested again for more crimes, and were then given deals again and set free if they testified against Dean. Jack, Dean's attorney explained how Dean had been a lost person for awhile and how he became involved with the gang. He totally showed the jury that this is a case of everyone blaming Dean because it was the easy thing to do. Now, we will have to show that in greater detail after the prosecution presents its case. Every witness that the prosecution calls can be cross examined by Jack. A few people were called to the stand: a sheriff who first saw the victim dead, and a forensic doctor who examined the body. The day ended after that.
The jury remained alert and seemed focused on both sides. Tomorrow will be more witnesses by the prosecution. Andrea will not be there tomorrow, because she is needed at work and these next witnesses are not crucial for her to hear. I will be there though .
Dean looked very serious about everything. I can only imagine what he is feeling. He is very nervous and worries what the jury may think of him.
We went out to a special birthday dinner for Jay, and he opened presents. His sister Mona was also there. It wasn't a celebratory birthday by any means. We are too paralyzed by a concentrated effort to remain stead fast and as non-emotional as possible. Keep those prayers coming.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

You are not alone!!!!

To Dean,
I have you in my thoughts and prayers every day. It must be very scary for you right now. It takes a lot of courage to stand up for the truth and put yourself at the mercy of complete strangers who know nothing of your character. I pray they are smart and do not judge a person by a stereotype. I pray these jurors take their job seriously and look at all the evidence presented.

I am glad you keep such a strong faith in God. You have angels around you every day and you need to ask them to help you have strength. You are never alone, Angels and God are always with you. And I am asking my guardian angels to be with you during this difficult time to give you peace and hope. You will know they are there, because you will feel their presence!

I love you Dean.
I hope I can manage to get to court this week to support you.
But please know how much I love you and that you are always in my thoughts and prayers.

Myself, Sam, Sara, Dennis, Jean, Grandma, Grandpa, Christine, Kitty, Jenny, Cindy, Bobby, Danny, Vicki, Andy, Becky and Kyle...we all send our love out to you and we are all with you in heart and soul!!!!


Thursday, July 17, 2008

Thursday, July 17th

Court started today at 9am. There were about 100 jurors packed in the big court room waiting to see if they would get chosen. As each group of 16 came up, many were let go. The judge dismissed some and each side got rid of some. Many questions were asked of the jurors about what their biases are and if they could be open minded and wait for all the evidence to be heard before making up their minds. The prosecutor repeatedly asked if they could be cold hearted and vote guilty despite seeing Dean's "Mom and sister" in court every day. This angered our attorney, Jack Earley, and he told them that we did not want cold hearted, but to be themselves and decide on the facts. They are not supposed to try and please the prosecution and be "cold hearted". Non emotional would have been a better way to say it.
At 4:15pm, we had our jury of 12 with 4 alternates. Jack thinks we need 5 great jurors and the rest just adequate, and we think that we got that. There are 5 males and 7 females in the 12, and 1 male and 3 females in the alternates.
This jury seems much better than the jury in the first trial, but it is difficult to really know. We hope God was involved today.
One nice thing: Dean asked the guards if they could wait until he leaves the court room to shackle him so his family did not have to see that every day, and they said "Yes". This helps Andrea emotionally quite a bit.
There is never court on Fridays, so we have a 3 day break. Opening statements will be done first thing monday morning. This is where each side sums up their case and lays out the plan to prove it. It is a good day to come for those who might want to. After that, the prosecution starts their case. When they are done, it is our sides turn. The case is expected to take 4 weeks.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

First Day

We sat in the huge courtroom with about 60 people who were potential jury candidates. Dean and his lawyer were seated in the front with their backs to us , facing the judge. The district attorney was seated by himself facing the judge also. We were the only people in the audience without jury number tags, so I assume they realized that we were family of Dean.
The judge was very professional with a calming manner. He explained the duties of a juror very well. I was shocked to see that 2/3 of the first 18 jurors up were related and friends to law enforcement officers. It almost seems like a conspiracy but that is impossible. We liked about 4 of the first 18. The judge dismissed 5 of them for bias. Tomorrow the jury selection continues. We pray to find 12 good jurors who care about the law, instead of just their opinions.
It is surreal being from such a nice town as San Clemente, and being in a courtroom where the defendant is your relative. These things only happen in the metropolitan cities like Los Angeles and New York, don't they? Nope, it happens right here in a cozy beach town. It is difficult to accept.

Want to make a post but don't know how?

Hi Everybody,
This post is here to let you know that you can make a post rather then a comment if you prefer. We have set up a group blogger account that you can use if you don't have one of your own. You will need to provide an email address as well as the password. The email address to use is , if you want to post you will need to contact Tara or Andrea for the password to this account.
1.access blogger by going to or by accessing it through (sign-in will be in the top right corner.)
2. Enter email account :
3. Enter password (provided by Tara or Andrea)
4. Click on "new post"
5. Type your entry
6. Click on "Publish Post" button to add it to the blog.

We look forward to seeing you participate and show your support for Dean during this difficult time. It doesn't matter if somebody else has already said it...we would still like to hear it from you. Again, thank you for all of your prayers, love, and support... in tough times it's the glue we need to keep it together.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

no words

Today, Andrea will go to court while there is jury selection. I will be going tomorrow and then everyday after that. Andrea is very emotional right now, and dreads seeing her brother handcuffed and shackled in the court room. We are so upset about him being put back in jail for his trial. It is not right. Every night, he has to go back and wash his only pair of underwear, because the jail will not allow me to leave others. He can't shave right because the razors are so dull.(the jail is worried that people could harm themselves or others) You would think that before court, an electric razor could be provided.
I know that alot of you do not know how to make comments on this site. Please do not fret. We provided this site, so that you can keep up with the trial without calling us for reports. I have been through it before, and I truly do not feel like talking each day. I sort of close up and just try and stay strong. I hope you all do not take offense at this. I have the added task now to keep Andrea from falling apart. She was in college during the first trial. Keep up the positive thoughts and prayers.

Monday, July 14, 2008

A Judge at last

We are about to get started, now that we have a judge. His name is John Conley. He is a former marine and former prosecuter. We have heard that he is polite and fair. We are optimistic about it. I will be going to pre-trial stuff on wednesday and then jury selection will probably be on Monday July 21st. Keep the prayers going.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

thursday July 10th

Okay everyone, we hope you had a good 4th of July. Let freedom reign. Please pray on thursday, that we get a good jury. It is about to begin. It seems like none of his old friends care. They are just concerned with their lives. I think the mexican community sticks together with their own kind when it involves the law. They are all too afraid to get involved and speak out. It will be up to Dean and his attorney, and the smarts of the jury. He chose his friends wrong 15 years ago, and hopefully he will not pay for it the rest of his life.