Friday, November 14, 2008

An Appeal has started

Hello every one,
I am sorry that I have been absent from the blog for so long. It has mostly just been a waiting process for us. We finally recieved all items from the trial. Among them were many audiotapes, and transcripts from interviews that we have never seen before. We have been going through them all and have found new evidence that was never brought out before and other eye-witnesses to the crime that we never saw at trial. We realize now that our attorney was not thorough enough in going through all the discovery. It amazes us again at how the jury ignored all eye-witness testimony when deciding Dean's guilt. There was an interview from an eyewitness all in Spanish which we had interpreted. He said the exact same thing as the other four eyewitnesses. All the eye-witnesses who do not know each other and never got together to corroborate, were interviewed the next morning, gave the same description of the victim and his assailants. That is: 1) arguing heard in spanish, one tall person with all dark clothing running away from two shorter males who were dressed in baggy pants , one with a white sweatshirt and one with a black sweatshirt, 3)the one assailant with the white sweater had light blue baggy jeans and the other had dark blue or black baggy jeans. HOW DO 5 PEOPLE ALL AGREE ON THIS AND THE PROSECUTION TRIES TO HAVE THE JURY DISMISS IT BY SAYING THAT THEY ONLY SAW THE SCENE FOR SECONDS??? As we all know Dean was wearing a gray uniform with straight leg pants and short sleeved shirt. The eyewitnesses were asked and all said that they saw no uniform.
We are still going through everything which will take time. It is hard because it brings up sadness and outrage all over again.
We now have our appellate attorney who is from San Diego. He is currently going through everything and will meet with us soon to discuss the appeal. It is more difficult to get a second appeal, but we feel confident that we will succeed.
Dean is doing fine at Wasco and reading and writing up a storm. He gets to go outside 2-3 times a week which he loves. He never got to be outside during his wait for trial. He feels healthier now. We finally get to go and visit him the first week-end in December. If any one wants to send him something for Christmas, he likes writing paper and envelopes and stamps.
Again his number is G-30030 and the address is on the Wasco State Prison web page.