Thursday, December 11, 2008

Healthy looking Dean

We had a nice short visit with Dean. Because he is not at a permanent place yet, we only got to have a phone visit through glass for one hour each week-end day. He looks so good. He is healthy and bright eyed. The state system is run better than the county, and the guards are less lazy and more decent. Dean has color again from being able to jog outside and the food is more nutritious and better tasting.
He likes his cell mate who is very much like him and Dean reads and writes most of the day.
He is optimistic for his appeal and likes the new appellate attorney.
It was sad to say goodbye, but to see him in such good spirits makes our holiday better.
Restitution has been taking 55% of the money we send. That seems like way too much.
We look forward to seeing him again in another 6 weeks.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Holiday Season

Well, the Christmas season is upon us. We will be visiting Dean this week-end for the first time.
I hope the Christmas for the jurors, and the prosecution team is as good as Dean's will be. They deserve the same type of Christmas. I wonder if they will ever realize how callous and righteous they were and how wrong. How much government money is wasted every year on new trials because juries just do not understand how to decide verdicts within the perameters of the LAW? May be one day there will be professional jurors who do not bring their biases and power trips into the courtroom.
I am not much in the Christmas mood, and will escape to the mountains to try and have a peaceful Christmas. I wish all you blog readers a warm and wonderful Christmas season.