Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Somewhere Over the Rainbow

I do not know if people are still reading this blog on a regular basis. For those that are, the song you now hear playing in the background, a Hawaiian version of Somewhere Over the Rainbow, reminds our family so much of Dean. The Wizard of Oz is a beloved movie and this song is Dean's all-time favorite. Somewhere Over the Rainbow also reflects Dean’s attitude for the last several years as he fights to prove his innocence. He sits behind bars trying to picture what life is like for those he loves. Hoping he gets to see his baby cousins before they are no longer babies, praying he gets to spend more time with his ill grandparents, and imagining himself giving his dog a big hug. Dean, like all of his family and friends, dreams of a day when the clouds are far behind him. Although I pray daily for Dean's troubles to be over, I cannot help but wonder if Dean will have to wait until Heaven to be vindicated and live in peace where trouble melts like lemon drops, high above the chimney tops ...


Friday, January 16, 2009

Carona's jury

Isn't it amazing what a jury can decide after 4-6 days of deliberation instead of 3-4 hours?
Obviously, Carona was guilty of a few things, but the U.S. prosecutors didn't bring the correct charges against him. They instead went for the biggest ones possible... conspiracy to get into his office, and then to use it for personal gain. Funny thing though, the evidence never really proved that. It did prove other things that were not charged and that were criminal, but not that. This jury took time and care to seriously go over the charges and the evidence in deciding guilt.
The US attornies blew it, and a man who did corrupt things got off on all the charges except a minor jury tampering. Of course it does help that the defendant had excellent attornies that worked pro bono.
If only Dean had been so lucky, and if only the jury for Dean had taken at least 2-3 days to go over the whole case instead of letting their emotions guide them.......
Dean gets life in prison, and Carona..... will probably get one year. That is our justice system and the weird way it can go depending on jurors. It sure is something to ponder about.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Mickadeit's article

I read an article in the OC register today about the Carona trial, by Frank Mickadeit. He was predicting a verdict this week in that trial. The very first paragraph was profound, and I hope the jurors from Dean's trial saw it. It reflects common sense. I will repeat the first paragraph here for you. See if you get the point.
...... "The Carona jury worked a three-quarter day Friday, and won't work today, keeping with it's trial schedule. NOBODY really expected the jury to return on Friday. In fact, if a jury in a trial this complex came back with a verdict -- any verdict -- after one day, it would either consist of 12 people with photographic memories or 12 people who did not take their roles seriously. That said, it won't surprise me if they came back late tuesday although I think wednesday or thursday is more likely."
I could not agree more and that our jury just did not get this , reflects jury mis-conduct, and a group of punitive and judgemental people. Sad, Sad, Sad, ......

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Dean the Hero

I don't care what anyone says or what they may think. I know the real "you" and I am blessed as a result. Please don't lose faith. God loves you and so do I. I have a quote from Tao Te Ching I want to share with you: "No storm lasts forever." You need to continue to be strong and have PMA a Positive Mental Attitude. You may not hear from as many people as you'd like, but it does not mean you are not loved or unlovable. Throughout your life you have been the most compassionate and loveable person I know. I knew from the first day I held you as a baby, I was 13 years old, I knew you were special and I believe that to this day.
I am so sorry for encouraging you to "trust" the system and go through another trial. I now know why you were so hesitant about taking this route. I always believed that honesty and truth protected us from everything. It is sad that we are judged every day by people who are less ethical and moral than ourselves. I face this challenge every day. But I always hold on to the belief that God loves me and wants each of us to be happy. The Angels tell me that "no one can hurt me" because they are always there to protect me. So above anything else, remember, you are not alone. God and your Guardian Angels are always with you. Dean, I wish I could make you feel safer, and optimisitc. But you have always been the more optimistic one which is one of your strengths. Yes, God chose you. Your situation has meaning and purpose. I truly believe it is "other" directed.
I will try to write as much as I can, but my life has me so busy these days. However busy I am, please know that you are never far from my thoughts. I pray for you all the time.
Hang in there. Know you are loved. Know you have the support of those who truly love and know you, FAMILY.
I'm sending positive vibes with lots of hugs and kisses to keep you at peace.
I love you!!!!!
Aunt Mona "Your favorite Aunt"

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Jan. 2009

It is hard to believe that Dean's case has been going on since Jan. 1998 . It is now 11 years and we are still fighting to prove his innocence. I know there is a reason for all this and I expect in the next 9 years for it to become evident. Dean and his family have faith in the future and in karma. Hopefully 2009 will be a much better year for us and for everyone in our country except of course for the jurors and the prosecution team. To me, these negative people deserve only negative things in their life. Until they can seek the positive and earnestly stop always believing the negative, their lives will not be right. Have you ever noticed how easily people believe bad things that they hear about others before they believe good things?? I believe that more people are inherently good, than evil and so it boggles my mind how many people will jump onto a bandwagon in believing that someone is evil. This has happened repeatedly throughout history and caused many tragedies. I would rather err on the side of good, than make a mistake on judging someone. I would rather leave the serious judgements to God.
I wonder if the jurors in Deans case will ever fully realize how wrong they were in their condemnation of Dean and their rush to send someone to life in prison. They may not know until they go to the next life,but what awaits them there will be sad for them. I pray every day that the jurors will have a lightbulb shine in their heads and that through their awakening, they will come forward to try and rectify their mistake. They know there was jury misconduct and they know that they did not take their job seriously. May be this year, the few people who know that they disobeyed juror rules will come forward and tell us. Miracles and doing the right thing can happen.