Tuesday, February 24, 2009


We recently got a comment on the blog that for some reason did not post, but came to our e-mail. We theorize that it came from the prosecution because it stated that Dean lives in a fantasy and that everything he told the jury was a fantasy. This opinion is from some one who does not know Dean but wants to believe that he is right about Dean. Common sense should tell every one that the picture that the prosecution painted of Dean just does not compute with his family or with all the support from "normal people" that Dean has. The prosecution ignores common sense because they want to believe that they are not wasting government money prosecuting Dean. They want to be right, and want to believe that Dean is bad, and that he deserves to be incarcerated for life. This denial is what keeps prosecution attornies from reaching the truth in crimes, and it is the reason why there are so many appeals, and it is the reason why so many innocent people have been released from prisons years later without even an apology from the prosecution team. It is too hard to face that kind of mistake....sending a person to prison to waste years of life. My own father was a prosecutor in death penalty cases, and he tried to be fair, but even he believed whatever the police brought to the table, and did not question things that he probably should have. That the prosecution team knows that Deans car is not on that crucial video, yet they pretend to a jury and a judge that it is; speaks volumes about their moral compass. If they could have just admitted that Dean's car was not there, and then started questioning their case, their souls could have been saved.
I have faith that one day, they will all have to face judgement on this. Until then, I guess that I will have to keep reading comments like this one saying that Dean and his family are all in a fantasy world. Far from it, we see and accept this flawed world, and feel sad for many involved in this case.