Tuesday, May 26, 2009


We get questions on the blog about the case which at times is frustrating, because most questions have been answered on this blog. All one has to do is go back and read through it. Just click on ... say August 08, and then read all entries in August. We covered alot there.
Many things in the defense case were missed by the jurors. I do not know if they were just dumb collectively, or half asleep during our attorney's points. We do know that we had a biased jury which is very unfortunate. Most people believe if a person has been arrested, then he must be guilty. They have no idea of all the mistaken arrests that have happened, and all the wrongful convictions that go on, with people being cleared years later. It is not too difficult in biased Orange County for a D.A. to win a case. Losing one is rare, not because of skill, but because of the mind set of jurors going in.
It seems that they grab on to anything that makes a defendant seem guilty, yet ignore the things that make him look innocent. Common sense and rational thinking escaped our jury.
If Dean had never chosen an irresponsible lifestyle in his youth; he would not be in the position he is now. One bad choice led to another, to another, to jail, and then to prison for something he really did not do. It is a tragic lesson for those who think that doing wrong when they are young, will not affect their future, their reputation, or their family.
We got a question asking if Miguel's DNA was on the socks and shoes of Dean. There was one sock and one shoe that had Miguel's DNA, and another defendants' DNA on it. The shoe however did not have the DNA of Dean. Was it Dean's shoe in evidence? It was labeled as such.
Dean did provide answers to these questions in his testimony. But, any one can find out more by reading the past posts. The bottom line to us is this: witnesses saw and described no one even close to the looks of Dean. Where Dean's blazer was described as being by the prosecution..was not there and the video proves it. Those key things show his family that he was not at the scene, nor was his car involved. We do not condone violence, and we do not consider Dean violent. That the jury ignored these important facts is on their soul now for eternity. I do not concern myself with any negative feelings about them at all. I just hope for a new trial, and a better more intelligent jury. I know better than to hope for a prosecutor with a concience though.

Friday, May 22, 2009

No visits yet

Well, Mothers Day has passed, and I did not get to see Dean. All California prisons have no visiting right now because of the Swine Flu outbreak. We have heard from Dean, and now it seems that he might not be able to stay at Lancaster. There is an issue with the city in that they do not want level four prisoners at their prison. If this issue does not get resolved, he will be moved again. So... there is no t.v. yet and no phone calls. He is considered still in transition.
He also has not been getting my letters in a timely manner. He finally got one at Lancaster, two weeks after I wrote it. This is very strange. He starts to worry when he does not hear from us in a while. On a positive note, he does like his cell mate and the store there.
I get sad about everything periodically....at the unfairness of it all, but then I pull myself out of it. I am grateful that he manages to handle it.
I will blog again if he moves to let you know where he is.

Sunday, May 10, 2009


Today I read an article about Thaddeus Jimenez who was wrongly convicted for murder when he was 13 years old. Two individuals confessed to police that Jimenez was the boy who shot and killed another individual, Eric Morro, in the chest at close range. Jimenez was convicted twice, he was granted an appeal after his first conviction but in a second trial found guilty again. This was all in the face of strong evidence implicating another individual for the crime.

Sixteen years later, Jimenez was exonerated and freed and the real murderer has been identified thanks to the hard work of many individuals that believed in Jimenez's innocence. The individuals that falsely confessed to Jimenez's involvement recanted their testimony and attorneys were able to convince the new prosecutors of the evidence pointing to the real culprit - the evidence that was discarded 16 years earlier by the old prosecutor.

We will never stop believing in Dean's innocence. One day Dean's story will be posted on the news. It may take the individuals who lied about Dean's involvement in this murder finally coming out with the truth as with Jimenez. And a new prosecutor that looks at the evidence with an unbiased perspective. Dean is innocent of this crime and I pray to God that he is exonerated in the public eye and will not have to unjustly live behind bars for the rest of our lives.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Dean does not have a victim.

We got a post to the blog from an anonymous person responding to my last post. It is probably from the prosecution, but who knows; since it is titled anonymous. In essence, it said that Dean's victim did not even have a jail cell as big as a bathroom. I guess they are implying that at least Dean has one.
FIRST of all, Dean does not have any victim, since he is INNOCENT of hurting anyone but himself. This blog is about our belief in his innocence. The victim in this case who was murdered by someone has a name. It is Miguel. He is in heaven now, and the people who miss him are the victims. AGAIN, eyewitnesses to the murder all described the attackers. The description was: two short latinos wearing sweatshirts and baggy jeans, yelling in fluent spanish. This does not describe a tall white guy in a work uniform which is what the prosecution and the snitches said Dean was wearing. Those two latinos are still not caught or known. We think the prosecution made deals with them to implicate Dean because they needed to protect their rush to judgement against Dean. Their egos refused to look at any other evidence, and the jury got charmed and reeled in by the prosecution. The jury refused to go back and look at their notes, and the facts of the defense case. It is sad for everyone. Not one person will escape judgement and karma on this case. Everyone has or will suffer.
We who know Dean, have faith that one day he will be free. We believe that he is where God wants him to be for now for many reasons. Dean accepts his fate because of his faith in God and eternity. This makes it easier for all of us who love him. We cannot get angry at the failures of every day people or their ignorance and biases. Life is tough and we are all going through it.
We make mistakes and hopefully we learn from those mistakes, and if we can make them right, we should. I do not think that those on the prosecution or those on the jury who made mistakes have the strength to rectify their wrongs or even face them. Denial is a protective device. I feel for all of them.
I will continue to vent on this blog because it helps me, and keeps up the hope. I will try to address all comments that come from anonymous sources.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Permanent Move

Dean has finally been assigned a permanent prison. It is Lancaster State Prison. He is only 2 and 1/2 hours away. Now, we can visit him with full contact and for 6 hours at a time. It will be great to spend some quality time with him, and to give him a big hug. If any one wants to visit him, they need to request an application from him and then send it in. It takes about a month for approval, and then there are strict dress codes and other rules to adhere to when visiting.
I do not know his address yet, but his number is G30030 and you can look up on the internet the address for Lancaster State Prison and send any correspondence there. Now, he can finally have a television in his cell to watch the programs we all watch. He feels more in tune with the world this way. And before those that feel punitive about him complain,...remember...his entire cell that he shares with a roomate is as big as your bathroom. Imagine spending 22 hours a day in your bathroom for months on end. It is only humane, and christian to let an inmate have a television.
Dean says that his suffering this life, guarantees that he will be blessed in his next. Can't say that for the jury or the prosecution team.
I am looking forward to seeing him on Mothers day.