Friday, July 31, 2009

Letters work

I heard back from both government offices that I wrote, and lo and behold a few days later got my first phone call from Dean, saying that all is well now. YAAAAY!! He said it was like a miracle. He got transferred to his permanent cell and there was all his property, books and a quarterly package that I had sent (with high hopes). His spirits are up and we will finally visit on the 8th and 9th.
It is so nice to know that letters are read by the governing bodies and that a reasonable request is granted.
So he is at Kern Valley Prison and the address is on the Ca. Prison web site.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

A mess

Well, here Dean is at Kern Valley Prison, but because it is overcrowded, he has to be in temporary housing waiting for a spot. Why on earth did they move him from Wasco in the first place? With the budget the way it is, and our society being so punitive, there is overcrowding in the prisons. This makes it so difficult for the guards(who are overworked too) and for the prisoners. Dean still cannot have contact visits because of this unorganization.
I have written a few letters to the government bodies to see what can be done. I know one solution would be to deport all the illegals in prison first,( instead of punishing them, and then deporting), release all drug related criminals to rehab places, and review prisoners up for parole.
I wonder if he will ever get a permanent prison before he gets his appeal. As usual though, Dean seems to handle all this just fine. He immerses himself with reading and writing.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Kern Valley

I just got a note from Dean saying that he is being transferred to Kern Valley State Prison.
Finally, after almost one year, he is going to a permanent place. Sloooow!
He also said that he will write back any jurors or others that question his case or want to defend their position. His new address is: Dean Jacobs #G30030
P.O. Box 6000
Delano, Ca. 93216-6000