Sunday, December 27, 2009

Hope for 2010

Well, the year is almost over. I hope 2010 will be a better one and maybe bring Dean his freedom. Here is a thought/question for the new year.
If 3 witnesses to a crime, who do not know each other, all describe the assailants as wearing baggy cholo pants and sweatshirts, and then a detective and a prosecutor say that the assailant was wearing a shop work uniform; who are you more inclined to believe??
Happy New Year to those who deserve it!

Monday, December 7, 2009


We had our Christmas visit with Dean. His Aunt Mona, and cousin Sara came with us. Dean was happy to see them. He looks good and is well acclimated now to Kern Valley. His cell mate is a transfer from Oregon who tells Dean that the Oregon prisons are much better. I guess the cells are nicer and the food is better and there are more programs for the prisoners to keep them busy. Interesting. Dean has enrolled in a program here that counsels young juveniles on the realities of prison and the consequences of being in a gang or hanging out with the wrong crowd. I think he would be excellent at it. If it is God's will for him to do this, it will happen.
If anyone wants to send him something for Christmas, he and various inmates like to play this card game. It has depth and many characters that need to be added. I found them at and they will send them to him. They are called Magic, The Gathering. It is a science fiction creative story game. He likes the Alara Reborn series. There are many different ones and he likes any of them. Pick one and have Amazon send it to him at Kern Valley State Prison with his number G30030. It is amazing how he gets inmates involved in peaceful things. Last time, he got many of them involved in reading books and talking about them.
We heard that Miguel's brother got convicted for murder recently and we wonder if he got railroaded too, and might be innocent. It was bad enough that his family lost Miguel, but now, they lose Jose too. Gangs are so stupid and so hurtful to families. I wonder what the solution is. Hopefully Dean will be able to talk some juveniles into shaping up. He has learned the hard way how unfair the justice system can be, and how political it is.
We will never give up on Dean, and a group of attornies have decided to take up his cause. Someday, the truth will come out. Hopefully, we will not need their service because the second appeal will be granted.