Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Christmas 2010

Christmas is here again, without Dean enjoying it. Besides my visit, he had his Aunt Mona, cousin Sara and cousin Sam visit him. Thanks to all who have sent him cards and/or presents for the holiday season. He is so grateful to have our love and support. Small things make his day.
We have heard from the appellate court that a decision has been made on whether or not Dean will get a new trial. We should know the answer in about two weeks.
If the appellate court denies him a new trial, the Innocence Project will than take over and file a habeus appeal which goes to the higher court for review.
We all have strong faith that God is handling Deans life. Dean says that if he is meant to stay in prison, then, he knows he will go to a better life when he dies. He feels that he abandoned his family for too many years living an immoral life and that if he is punished now for it, he will not be after death. He knows he never committed a murder, as God knows too, but he hung around those that did. The person he is today is the one he is satisfied with and that is important to us all.
We of course do not like to see justice not done. It is upsetting to see corruption in our legal system not be exposed. No one ever said that life is fair. In the big picture of eternity, it is balanced, but not always in sections of our lives.
We await the decision and try to have peace, love, and smiles this Christmas.
I will post on the blog when we know for sure.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Call First

Well, we learned something the hard way. We drove the early morning three hour drive up to see Dean just to find out that his yard is on lockdown. It happened the night before we left. I guess next time I will have to call at 4am to find out if he is on lockdown or not. We had to turn around and come back home. Two times over the grapevine in one day. Not fun.
I haven't heard from him yet as he is not allowed to make phonecalls on lockdown. I hope he is okay.
The Innocence project has a new person on his case with some great ideas. Hopefully we can get Dean his freedom.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

The world we live in.

I just got word today that Dean's appeal was just submitted to the appellate court. Here , I thought the court had been reviewing it for the last year. I guess there are way too many appeals in Orange County to go through. So we probably will not hear anything back now for at least another year. Wow. This is the world we live in. Just pray that those who read it are not lazy or pre-biased for guilt.

Monday, August 9, 2010


Dean has been accepted into a program called EDGE that operates in the prison. It is a program that helps troubled teens shape up and realize what awaits them if they keep on the downward path. Since Dean comes from a loving extended family and had a great childhood, he is a good example of what can happen to any one that cared too much about "being cool". He can help others to prevent what happened to him. It is a full time gig, and will keep him very occupied and fulfilled in prison.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

August 2010

It has been quite a while since I posted on the blog. We moved the blog to this site and that took awhile. This site is more private and only family and friends will have the address.
Dean is doing very well at Kern Valley State Prison. He has grown his hair out shoulder length and wears it in a pony tail. It looks very good on him and it covers his back of the head bald spot. He now looks like he is a soccer player from Uruguay. He has kept his spirits up and has been writing many letters fighting for various inmates rights.
We still have heard nothing on his appeal and keep thinking that any day now, we will hear something. The appeals court has to read through both cases. To us it seems so simple, but the court is trying to find a reason to refuse the appeal. That it is taking this long may be a good sign, because they are not finding anything.
Last month, Dean's grandparents who are in their 80's got to visit him for the first time in prison.
They found the whole process interesting and a bit disturbing. They were happy to see Dean and glad that he keeps his spirits up. They asked him how he does that, and he replied that every morning he picks two things to look forward to(for example, a candy bar or a t.v. show) and then later in the day enjoys one and then in the evening, another. He lives one day at a time, and tries to help others and educate himself.
He already has dropped points and his counselor says that he can be transferred to a lower level prison next year. I hope that happens. He says that he is fine though where he is if it doesn't.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Someone dear gave this to me. He found it in a book called "To Bless The Space Between Us" by John O'Donohue. It is a blessing for the parents of one who is thought to have committed a crime. So...it is a blessing for us and I wanted to share it.

No one else can see beauty in his darkened life now.

His image has closed like a shadow.

When people look at him, he has become the mirror of the damage that they think he has

But, he is yours. And you have different eyes that hold his yesterdays in pictures no one
else remembers.