Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Christmas 2010

Christmas is here again, without Dean enjoying it. Besides my visit, he had his Aunt Mona, cousin Sara and cousin Sam visit him. Thanks to all who have sent him cards and/or presents for the holiday season. He is so grateful to have our love and support. Small things make his day.
We have heard from the appellate court that a decision has been made on whether or not Dean will get a new trial. We should know the answer in about two weeks.
If the appellate court denies him a new trial, the Innocence Project will than take over and file a habeus appeal which goes to the higher court for review.
We all have strong faith that God is handling Deans life. Dean says that if he is meant to stay in prison, then, he knows he will go to a better life when he dies. He feels that he abandoned his family for too many years living an immoral life and that if he is punished now for it, he will not be after death. He knows he never committed a murder, as God knows too, but he hung around those that did. The person he is today is the one he is satisfied with and that is important to us all.
We of course do not like to see justice not done. It is upsetting to see corruption in our legal system not be exposed. No one ever said that life is fair. In the big picture of eternity, it is balanced, but not always in sections of our lives.
We await the decision and try to have peace, love, and smiles this Christmas.
I will post on the blog when we know for sure.