Monday, January 3, 2011

Appeal denied

Well, we got the news that Deans' appeal for a new trial was denied. We read the decision and it was clear that the judges were very biased for the prosecution as was the jury. They also did not like Dean as he was in 1997. (either did we). Their dislike of him aided in their decision to deny a new trial. They thought that Dean liked jail and had too much fun there. Of course, back then, he was in a level one facility which is very different from a level 4. I think all people who have careers that decide a persons life for punishment, should take tours of the different level prisons and should be aware of what different types of incarceration are like. These judges are in their own bubble world and have no inkling what a life in the justice system is like.
We expected that Orange County would deny his appeal for a new trial, and so we move now to the next step. We will appeal to a higher court and see if they are more un-biased.
The judges never addressed the fact that witnesses never saw anyone fitting Deans description at the crime, and they never addressed the video that shows Dean's car was not at the crime. In fact, the judges never discussed any facts from the defense side. They only discussed the prosecution and how they believed their story of the crime. They also admitted that the prosecutor was wrong in his tactics but they did not want to rule against him officially. And that is Orange County attitude folks. That is why people get railroaded in court and prosecutors, investigators and the Sheriff have carte blanche to do what they want. The judges are former prosecutors and turn a blind eye to defendants. Dean was lucky the first time to have received a new trial. A second request would always be more difficult.
Dean is sad, but he expected it, because he has more or less accepted that there is no justice for him in Orange County.
He is doing well and keeping strong in his belief that he is being tested and learning what God wants him to learn.