Thursday, June 16, 2011

No go.

Well, the Ca. supreme court decided not to review Dean's appeal. I guess it was too long and they are too busy. Who knows. We expected it because getting a second appeal is difficult, much less a first one. This is why it was so important to have a good responsible jury for the second trial, which as you know; we did not. The next step is the higher court and we feel that we have a great case for the federal level. The Innocence Project will be helping since we are not made of money.
Dean of course has no money. So say a few prayers everyone that this last effort is successful. California has become famous for having the most people in prison over every other state. Even though we are considered a more liberal state, jurors are usually elderly, and afraid and conservative, and I guess very punitive. Most prosecutors just have big egos and want to win. You combine the two, and voila, we have more prisoners than anywhere else. No wonder the Federal Government has ordered us to release a huge amount of them.