Monday, November 12, 2012

anonymous post

We got an email tonight from someone who wanted to post a comment on the blog. We just forgot how to publish  Thank you to the person who said that he understands Deans' story and remembers what it was to grow up in San Clemente trying to fit in, and the pressures that brings.
 Glad you are reading his book.  Thank you for your prayers. They will work.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Oct. 5 2012

It was a hot summer for Dean at Ironwood Prison.  He survived though.  He has been working and writing.  I will let you all know when his first book is ready and out on shelves. He has been entering some writing contests and is looking forward to seeing his Sci-Fi book published. 
 He plans on writing a book for wayward and lost teens also.  One day he hopes to be speaking at highschool assemblies on the dangers of" living on the edge" to be cool.  He has had quite a bit of  interest from publishers in England. 
His appeal will be filed soon.  He has been working on that too with help from all of us.  It's a long difficult road.  We have some interesting new evidence and one snitch might reverse his testimony.
We know that one day the prosecutor, the detective and the investigator will be exposed for manipulating and intimidating witnesses so that they did not have to really solve the crime.  If they had spent as much energy on seeking the truth as they did to back up their lies, they would have solved the crime.  It's sad for them, because karma always comes back around.
 Keep Dean in your prayers.  They are working. 
If it is true as the Mayan Calendar suggests that the California coast will disappear in December of this year, then we may all be together again sooner than later.  Maybe the desert will have ocean views after this supposed approaching cataclysm. 

Thursday, April 26, 2012

April 26th 2012

It has been four months now and we have visited Dean twice in Ironwood. He is working a few hours every day and has had no problems.  Our appeal still goes on, and we have become used to this being a part of our lives.  If only Ramon, Raffie, or Detective Hoffman would tell the truth.  Their souls need to right this wrong before heaven.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012


It's a new year already. Dean is comfortable at Ironwood. His new cellmate was brought up in the foster care system, and has no family, and no one to visit him or send packages. Dean feels so blessed to have had what he has. God has put him together with this man for a reason, I am sure.
Time will tell.
The Innocence project is moving very slowly, so we might have to hire someone to speed things up a bit. A few things have happened which show us that the prosecution is still up to their evil ways.
I think they do not want to have to go to trial again.
This year will bring a few wonderful things for Dean. Can't talk about it but will announce it all later. Have a good 2012 everyone!