Monday, December 23, 2013

Christmas 2014

Here we are again at Christmas, without Dean.  We visited him last week-end, and he is doing well. He has a new cellmate named Sammy with a very similar case to Deans. He is a former Navy man, and is clean, organized and smart. They get along very well. 
Dean has asked us to send things to him for Christmas for some of the inmates, instead of sending him anything special. He likes to give small gifts and special food items to others for Christmas, so that he feels like it is a special holiday.  He creates his own christmas spirit.
We are spending ours at home with friends and family .  We wish all of you a Merry Christmas except of course the jurors and the prosecution team.  They must find their own karmic peace if it is possible. I think they were the worst jury there has ever been, and they will one day face their shame in heaven. 
 Hopefully this coming year will be one of hope and good tidings.  Whatever 2014 brings, we will handle.   We should hear back on the 2nd level of the appeal in the next few months. 
 I hope all of you get kindles or ipads for Christmas, so you can download Dean's book; Four Years of Freedom.  It is an important cautionary tale.  Peace to us all.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Another man goes free after years of incarceration.

I was glad to hear in the news that Ryan Ferguson was finally set free. I signed his petition on where we have Deans petition.  I hope all of you find it and sign it for Dean. Anyway, Ryan was convicted on snitch testimony just like Dean was.  The snitch recanted years later and said that he felt pressured to say what he did.  Even after that snitch came clean, it was still years before it was taken seriously and Ryan was let go.  Prosecutors hate to be wrong and fight these kinds of things.  It takes huge interest from others to get freedom accomplished.  I sure pray that at least one of the snitches in Deans case comes forward with the truth. He might have to get hit with a perjury charge but at least his karma would be improved.  I know that when it is my time to leave this earth, I want my conscience to be clear. 

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Response to Sandra

Thank you Sandra for your support.  I hope the book helped you and that your son will read it too.  I cannot think of anything that you could do to help except what you are doing.  Getting the word out is important.  I have a petition going for a pardon for Dean through    I will probably start a facebook page for Dean and post it on there.  I have faith that he will be free again.  Pray pray pray.

Another letter from a reader of Four Years of Freedom

Hello Tara and Jay. Mr. Green came into my work a few weeks ago and I told him a story about my 19 year old son who was in OCJ for fighting. He told me Deans story. He then showed up at my work again with "Four Years of Freedom". Jay is his auto mechanic. I read the book in two days and couldn't put it down. I am now obsessed with sharing the story with EVERYONE that will listen. I emailed and Facebooked everyone... Just trying to get his story out there... I believe Dean !! I believe he was done wrong by... well lot's of people. Jacobs Family If I can help let me know. I am a local and I work in San Clemente. ( I am not rich..sorry and I dont have a law degree)But I would love to help if I can... I would love one day to have a shrimp cocktail with Dean at Fishermans on the the pier someday soon !! Let me know... Sandra Roth


Friday, October 11, 2013

A post from a reader

Tara, I recently read Dean's book, and was very touched by it. I was able to relate to it on a personal level. Unfortunately I have a 16 year old son that is walking Dean's path. I would very much like for my son to read Dean's book, but have only found it in electronic format. Where can I find it in paperback?
I did write Dean a letter of support. I just wanted to tell you that I am praying for strength for you, your family, and especially for Dean.
I accidentally stumbled onto this blog site and am so happy I did. When I wrote Dean my one question for him was how does your Mother deal with all this?
I just can not imagine that this injustice will not be overturned and you will once again have Dean home...FREE.
I did suggest to him that you write a book as well. I feel that there are so many mothers not knowing what to do and how to deal with a teen that has grouped himself in the wrong crowd. Please consider this.
warmest regards,

  Thank you Cindy for your support.  Dean really appreciates the letters he receives from readers.  He so much wants his book to help others. It makes him feel useful on this planet.
I have thought of writing a book, but I fear I am not a writer.  I also do not have the time right now.  Maybe when I retire, I will be motivated.   As a mother who went through this terrible journey; I have been asked so many times , how I coped with it all.  My answer is that I just did.  I tried to solve each problem as it came along. I come from a place of love and branch out from there.  Dean had been the greatest, most honest, and caring kid for 12 years. When puberty hit, and he changed, I knew hormones were affecting his brain. (It runs in my husbands family)  I didn't know the degree it had affected him though. He kept so much inside.  I didn't see trouble until it was too late. I trusted him and his judgement for way too long. By the time I knew he was in over his head and it just wasn't teenage anxt, he got in trouble for that first crime in the book.  From then on, it was hard.  He was labeled a gang member then, when he wasn't one.  So in his juvenile wrong thinking mind, he thought :If I am labeled one, then I will be one.  Stupid. Of course, I did not know that he made that jump, but I tried to prevent it by sending him away to that school in Arkansas.
I kept up hope, that his good upbringing would shine through and he would snap out of his wrong thinking.   I didn't know that drugs had already made it worse.  He was mentally ill during his teen and early adult years.  When he became sober, he straightened out and now his brain health is much better.
 Advice for parents: 1) keep your kids in sports or some such activity. Do not let them drop out. They will have a core group of friends here that they go through highschool with.
     2) If you can put them in a private small school in junior high, do it. This is the period that you can lose them, especially boys.  Let them go to public highschool in the 10th grade and on.  Not before.
 3) Make sure that their father spends time alone with him, or a mother with a daughter. It's important to have that one on one time when they are teens.  Dean's dad stopped spending time with him then, because he claimed he was too busy with the business. Teen boys need their fathers more than their mothers.
4) Have them read Deans book in 9th grade.  (it speaks to them on their emotions) It has not been published in paperback yet. I hope that changes soon.  I am going to make some, and can send you one for your son. Just let me know where to send it.
5) Just keep on your toes, and keep loving them.(not enabling or spoiling)
6) Maybe have them do charity work with you.  It helps to focus on others and see the kind of misery out there. We are not alone in our confusion.  This helps them. 
  I wish you all the luck and strength with your son.  I will pray for him. 

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Four years of Freedom

Here it is, Autumn, and we still have not heard back yet on Dean's appeal.  There is a petiotion going on to get Dean pardoned, and once the political climate has eased, Dean might have a shot from Governor Brown.
 Dean feels happy that so many people have loved his book. He gets letters from readers who have been affected by it, and he responds to them.  Many prisoners have read it too, and tell hm that they relate to his story, and how honest he was with revealing himself.  This all makes his life bearable.  Can you imagine how maddening it is to be incarcerated every day for something that you never did?.
Some how, he pushes those negative emotions aside.   His faith that we all live in eternity and this life is just a blip in our soul life, keeps him strong.
  Thank you everyone for your support of my family in these sad times.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Summer is ending.

Well, Dean survived another hot summer. We visited him twice in the heat. No fun.  He is working almost every day supervising the day room and it's activiites.  The prisoners respect and like him, so there is no trouble.  Many of the guards are friendly with him too.   He amazes me at how well he handles prison.
  His appeal is still in the works.  He is in the response stage to the Attorney General's  reply. It's interesting how the Deputy attorney General concedes that there was misconduct by the prosecutor but in their opinion, not enough to prevent a fair trial.  I guess in California, it is okay to have prosecutors abuse the law and not be fined or reprimanded by the BAR.
 Hopefully, the magistrate will feel differently.  I know that one day, when God decides, that everything will fall into place for Dean to be free.  Until then, we all just keep doing the best that we can in life.  Dean's sister is getting married next year when her fiancee comes back from serving his country in Africa.  Wouldn't it be great, if he could be out for the wedding?
 If any of the jurors or false informants want to know why their life is not good, the answer is karma. It won't be right until they make right the wrong that was done to Dean. We as humans, all are connected and if you do not realize it now, you will in eternity.
   I recently read a case about another wrongful conviction due to police misconduct and prosecutor misconduct in Los Angeles.  Luckily, the pro bono help got the informers to all recant their testimony and admit the sheriff coerced them to say the false testimony twenty years ago.  Franky Carrillo now has his freedom from death row.  He is in college now and public speaking to teens.  Our justice system needs reform.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Another trial with a jury who follows instruction.

Well, of course, I am going to comment on the Zimmerman trial.  Six women got together and studied the evidence, left their opinions out of it, followed the rules of law, and came back with "Not Guilty".   There was plenty of reasonable doubt in this case, even though we know the death of Trayvon is ultimately the fault of Zimmerman.  We women, as mothers, know how sad and tragic this was for Trayvon's mother. She lost a son to a senseless tragedy brought about by stupid decisions.
Zimmerman was guilty of negligence that caused a death, and those were the charges that should have been brought.  Why the prosecutor went for murder is beyond me.  Most people do not want to send someone to prison for life unless the case is airtight.  (Of course Dean's jury is excluded here.)
  It's interesting how life is, how one jury can be so much more on the ball than another, and it is the roll of the dice of what type of people a defendant gets to ultimately decide his or hers' fate. 
Dean got the worst group of people as jurors, but Zimmerman lucked out.   He actually did shoot Trayvon and admitted that, and that he followed him with a gun.  Dean said that he was never at his trials murder scene and all testimony was by snitches who wanted to make deals to get out of prison.
Eyewitness testimony described no one like Dean.    Yep .... It's the luck of the draw what kind of jury one gets.   Just hope you never need one.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Message from Dean to the gal with the cactus plant.

This is verbatim from Dean.  " Thank You girl with the cactus.  I was really really happy to get your letter.  I completely understand your desire for discretion; being that you are married and all.  But, I would really like to respond to your letter one time.  In one week, I will send a response to the shop where you left the plant.  It will be waiting there if you want it.  If not, worries, I understand. 
I too, wish you the best in life.  Thank You for your kind letter."

Quite a few people have written Dean after reading his book. He answers everybody.  He really appreciates the letters.  His address is at the end of his book.

Monday, June 10, 2013

A good letter from former classmate

Well, we got back from our first two week vacation in 34 years.  We went to Italy and Greece, and agreed with Dean; that Venice is wonderful, as well as Tuscany.  I loved the serenity of the Greek Isles.   Waiting for us at the shop was a lovely cactus plant and a letter for Dean from a former highschool acquaintance of Dean.  Her letter was insightful and kind, though I found one of her memories hard to accept.  I wonder if she heard wrong.  But then, Dean was a somewhat bent person in H.S.       Dean was never expelled from highschool.  I took him out because he was wasting the teachers' time, always falling asleep in class.  I put him in continuation school, until he was sent to prison for the car joy riding that is in the book.  Dean eventually got his GED.
 To answer a question from you;  Yes, Dean wrote the book.  Who knew he could write and tell a story. He sent me 10 pages at a time from prison.  We were not allowed to edit or change anything.  He said if a book publisher picked it up, then they could edit it.  He wanted his voice to come through.
 As a parent who has gone through this nightmare with a son who was frankly mentally ill for awhile, I am just so happy that he is normal and clear headed again.  He found himself during his four years of freedom, and he will never lose himself again.
 Thank you for taking the time to write, and to care.  Your letter was very interesting.  I wish you all the best.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Jims final response

Okay Jim,   You say that you checked your notes twice.  Maybe the foreman missed those two times. I bet they were Rivera saying I know my cars, and something about the uniform and the tag supposedly being torn off.  Those are two things the prosecution closed with.  Again, no checking notes for the defense, only for the prosecution.  Three hours of deliberation is ridiculous, and you were a part of that.  Live with it.  You really should read Dean's book, Four Years of Freedom; but you probably do not want to know the real person and family that you hurt.  Thanks for your communication with me. 

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Jurors 1, 7 and 12

Going back over our notes from jurors, the consensus was that 1, 7, and 12, were sure Dean was guilty before they even stepped into deliberations, and they went about making sure everyone else went along with the program. Juror 1 made a big deal about Rivera saying "I know my cars". That is crazy. All Rivera knew was that it had stock wheels, and was a Blazer.  Did this juror remember the testimony, that in the first trial, Rivera said the Blazer was blue?  Did this juror number one put credit with this witness when he described the driver as looking just like Johnny Roy, and he had seen Roy later at a liquor store and recognized him?   Did juror number 1 ever ask how is it possible for 5 guys to get in a two door blazer, where a bloody crime has been committed and no blood of the victim ever got in it, and no fingerprints of the supposed 5 are in it either?  How does one clean a car of that, yet leave defendants' blood on the steering wheel, windshield, dash and outside door handle?  Did anyone in the jury ask that question? It's impossible.  Did anyone even suggest that Blazers are a popular vehicle and there could be 2 or 3 used by the gang?  Nope.  All these three did was walk in to deliberation and throw out things that the D.A. said for proof, and then say they just didn't believe Deans' story.  You aren't supposed to go with your emotions, but go on the facts, and spend time looking at both sides facts.  That takes days in a long trial.  No one did that.  They just let jurors 1, 7 and 12 lead the way to conviction.  No one stood up for Dean.  Women told us that they never saw the Blazer in the video, but the foreman said that all you needed to see was a likeness.  That was wrong.  If you do not see the Blazer, then it was not there.  We thought the whole jury had gone crazy, so we had an expert from NASA blow up the section of the video with the garage. They said" There is no vehicle there ...period"   The power of suggestion by the D.A. led those who wanted to convict see a "likeness".  How insane.
 Jim, you were a huge note taker, yet the foreman said that you never once went back and looked at your notes.  Again, bias walking in.  What was wrong with you?  What was wrong with the collective group?  Poor jurors, maybe what awaits them next life is worse than what awaits Dean.

Jim insists that he was a juror

Well Jim,
   I do not know how your memory is so different from the five that we have heard from.  Maybe you were in a daze too and now have created your own memory for your conscience.  It is confusing to me.  This brings me back again to how you got your info, and to please let me know any other  information that you got.  You now see the lies that we were up against.  The women may have been active during the trial, but in the jury room for three hours, they were not. They admitted that to us.
All of them told us about the "monster drink guy" and how he tried to be an authority on things he knew nothing about.  Why he had it in for Dean is beyond me.  I know some day karma will come around to him so that he will understand how bad it was what he did.  I do not concern myself with that.   I am just a mother who knows Dean is innocent of murder, and prays that he will one day soon be free.
 The Jody Arias verdict came back and her jury spent 15 hours and four days to decide. They were a responsible jury that went back over all the evidence and testimony, instead of walking into the deliberation only listening to the prosecutions' final arguments which by the way had a few lies in it.
That people on Deans' jury could decide a life in three hours is pathetic and shows the bias and laziness.
You keep harping on the prosecutions allegations and late information (which was wrong), but never do I hear you wondering about all the doubt and the defense points. Don't you see that shows that you believe "guilty until proven innocent"  instead of " innocent until proven guilty"?  That is wrong when you are a juror.
Please send me an e-mail and tell me any other information the prosecutor told you after the trial.  It might help in the appeal.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Jim's response

Yay...Jim wrote back.  Boo...He refused to reveal who had mis-lead and mis-informed him of his wrong info on Dean.    I now believe that Jim is not a former juror, but possibly an investigator of the prosecutor.   He states that he never said that Dean testified to a different story , but that there was a different story from the first trial.  A juror would never say that.  The only person who would say that is someone who was lied to by the prosecution, or someone who listened to a jailhouse tape where I, Tara, stated that I believed the evidence was tampered with, and I wanted to investigate it.  The main reason that I believed this is because: 1) I was there the night the lead detective took Deans' only tennis shoes as an afterthought before he left our home, and those shoes were sparkling white like they always were, because Dean was obsessed with having clean white shoes.  2) the sock that was supposedly Dean's and had blood on it, was way bigger than the other sock that was its' "pair". I thought a switch was made with a victims sock, because Deans DNA was not in the sock that had the victims blood.  Explain that. 3)The lead investigator kept Deans shoes and socks in his office for two days before submitting it to the crime lab. (very suspicious). 4) The lead Detective had been in the newspaper for misconduct and poor morals when representing an investigation in Canada. Their police filed a complaint against him.  5) The lead detective was not allowed by the court to look in the Blazer until there was justifiable evidence to do so. Having the victims blood on a sock or shoe of Deans would be that evidence. How hard is it to go to the murder site, and turn the shoes upside down and dirty them up in the blood, and switch one sock with the victims sock that had blood on it?
The bottom of Deans shoes had no blood.  How is that possible when you are standing and walking in dirt with fresh blood? 6) the shoes shown in court looked dirty, and even the other detective who had seen the shoes said that they did not look like the clean shoes he had seen on Dean. hmm? and finally 7) He never wore his tennis shoes when going someplace directly from work. He had on his dark work shoes. His tennis shoes were at home.   All of this made me think that there was evidence tampering because I still could not talk to Dean un-recorded.
I asked his attorney to follow up on it, but he said that it was not needed and Dean did not agree with me. That was frustrating.  So.....nothing ever came of it, but I still think that is a theory worth exploring.  After Dean's first trial though, when I could visit with him in person at prison, he did provide me with the way the blood got on him.  He apologized for ever being involved and said that he did not want to tell me, because he knew it would hurt me to know that he wasn't completely innocent.
 Jim argues with me that the female jurors were not passive because he was there and saw it.  This makes me know he was not there.  We got letters from two female jurors and the jury foreman who all stated that the women were sheep in the deliberations and acted like they were in a daze.  The young male wanna be cop juror (or Monster Drink guy as the jurors told us they referred to him)  was the most aggressively outspoken and critical of Dean, coming up with body language interpretations of him and talking about knives like he was an expert. We got letters of apology from jurors for their not doing their duty in the deliberations and rushing through the process.  So Jim, you were not there and I do not believe for one moment you are a former juror.  I think your conscience is bothering you, and that is a good thing. Maybe your guardian angel is trying to reach you to come forward and help Dean get his freedom.  I think he has been punished enough for being an idiot gang member in his youth.

Monday, April 29, 2013

A comment from Jim

Someone named Jim responded to my last post, and it was a troubling comment, and an interesting one.  Jim stated that he believes Dean is guilty and he was a juror.  He says that after trial he found out that Dean's story changed from the first trial.  Since this is not true at all, because Dean never testified in the first trial, we wonder who would have mis-informed Jim this . (the prosecutor?)
 We would love to talk with you Jim if you are willing, so we can find out what other mis-information the prosecutor has told you so that you felt right about voting guilty.  Please send us another message if you are willing.   There was so much misconduct in these two trials which made the jury believe things that just were not so.
We hope as time goes by, that you will reflect more on the evidence and non-evidence, the coaching of snitches who are now walking free, and then realize that you are in denial, not us who have known Dean forever, and have lived through this nightmare.
 You can read through the whole trial on the blog, and maybe it will refresh your memory. From reports from other jurors, we know that the men pushed for the verdict and the others were like dazed sheep.  I guess you were one of those, and you want to believe that you were right because, this will stay on your karma for eternity.
 Please contact us again to let us know who told you this lie and what else they have told you.
Deans first trial was totally different with multiple co-defendants, and all remained mum, because they were still under the brainwashed impression that there was no alternative.  No one wanted to be a snitch, and Dean certainly and naively thought the evidence would set him free. He always thought it would.  That is why he returned from Australia, Europe, and the Caribbean for his second trial.  He could have disappeared, but he had faith that intelligent people would see through the crap and follow jury rules about doubt.
   Because Dean never testified, his attorney only showed that jury in the first trial, how mistakes in DNA typing can be made, and the one doing his test was written up for her mistakes and had to go back for re-training.  He left it at that.  The blood spot was very tiny, yet the D.A. with confusing language and direct, led the jury to believe that there were oodles of it.  That was smoke, and our attorney in the second trial did not make that clear to you.
  We his family never found out the truth until we were able to visit him in prison and talk without being recorded, months after the first trial.  We never got to meet with him and talk privately before or during the first trial.  Until, I could talk to Dean, I thought there was evidence tampering, and I still do not rule that out. I wanted to explore that, but the second attorney said it was not necessary. Dean could finally tell us what he told you in trial.  Of course we didn't have his words twisted and the truth bent like you did from the prosecutor.
 Deans biggest mistake was not coming forward right away and telling the police the truth, and helping them solve the case.  But, stupid young gang members just do not do that.  Ones, who really are afraid of serving life in prison (like Roy, who was threatened with that for the crime he committed.), will cooperate with cops. Salazar was a professional snitch, probably still is. Who knows. How did you miss in the trial that both Roy and Salazar , who were in different prisons when interviewed, both said that Raffie and Willie did the crime.?  It wasn't until they were given no deal, and Deans name was thrown in there multiple times, that they switched their story to Raffie and Dean.  
 The point is, life in prison without parole is not what Dean deserves, and we have faith as more and more truth comes out, that he will get out too.
  Maybe one day, you can help make it right for Dean.  Again, please contact us and let us know what else the prosecution team told you after the trial.

Friday, March 29, 2013

Habeas Filed

Well, our family project of the federal Habeas appeal has been filed.  We all pray that it will be read and work in Deans favor.  Strange thing... when I filed it in person at the courthouse, a question came up and the Magistrates clerk was called.  She told the window filer that she remembers my name because someone called her saying they were me and asking questions about the case.  Hmmmmm?????  I told them it wasn't me and I would like to know who would do this and that maybe I should ask the FBI to investigate.  He told me not to worry, that if it happened again, they would check phone records and be on it.  Is this more shenanigans by the prosecution?  Hopefully, the clerk was confusing me with someone else, and it was someone with a similar name.  Time will tell.   Happy Easter beginnings.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Life imprisonment

So.... the guy that shot Gabby Gifford and killed six others gets Life in prison.  He has a possibility of parole.  Yet, Dean, convicted in the death of one person and wrongly so, gets life without parole.
If he does not get pardoned or win another trial, he will die one day of old age in prison.  Did his jury even understand this?    I think all of them will one day be in a prison of their own, whether through illness or isolation, and when they are, they can remember their punishment of Dean, and will understand why.  Karma is part of the universe.  No one can escape it. 
 To the snitches who lied, why do you think your lives suck, and why you can never get ahead?  Until you make right what you did to Dean, don't expect any kind of a wonderful life.  Dean is paying karmically for his mistakes right now.  No one can get away from it.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Man set free after 23 years

I just read in the news paper that a man was set free after 23 years because it was proven that jail house snitches had lied, police had lied and intimidated witnesses, and the prosecutor had gone along with all of it on convicting this innocent man of murder.  It happened in New York. A new District Attorney re-opened the case and found all the deceit.  Another case of bad cops, and using jail house snitches.   Hmmmmm.....sound familiar? 
 If only this could happen for Dean, sooner... rather than later.  Of course, this man had never been a gang member, so the chances for Dean are probably remote.  Life can be soooo sad, and then so wonderful.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Bad wishes from anonymous

It's interesting how the few people who believe that Dean is guilty and post a comment with mean thoughts, never put their name behind it.  It always says anonymous. 
Yesterday, someone emotionally wrote mean things on the blog.  She called Dean a liar and murderer, and hoped he rotted in prison.  She probably had trouble understanding what she was reading on the blog, and for some reason wants to hate Dean.  People who hate and are judgmental, freak out when a part of them hears the truth and it is not what they have been basing their hate on.  It is hard to get someone who has believed a friend or relative's lies about another, to now accept the truth, and what they had believed, is really wrong.  They do not want to give up that energy that comes from hate and anger.  Their ego does not want to be wrong.  This person who hates Dean, and does not know him, has believed someone else's lies about him. I do not think that this person realizes that Dean has life in prison without any parole.  That is usually the punishment for serial killers, mass murders, violent repetitive acts against others, pre-meditated murder against a wife or friend etc.  She wanted Dean to rot in prison for what?  He did not kill Miguel, and he has never killed any one.  He messed up in his teen years and was involved in criminal acts just like the rest of the gang, but he would never murder any one, nor did he ever try to.   He was railroaded by supposed friends and made the scapegoat, and then unjustly given more punitive charges than is normal.  There are many gang members in prison for things that they did not do, but because they were in a gang, and did other crimes, they end up getting convicted for something they did not do.  As soon as a juror hears that a defendant is or was a gang member, that juror (in Orange County) no longer cares if the defendant is innocent. The juror just wants to get rid of another gang member from society.  If the charge is not murder, that defendant will eventually get out of prison.  Hopefully when he does, he will be a better person and stay away from gangs and drugs.  Any one who is in a gang and does drugs will end up in prison if caught.  They only have themselves to blame.  They need to take it well, and not start lying to get out, like Dean's snitches did.  This only adds to their karma, and not in a good way. 
 Dean was really an idiot to be in a gang and to do drugs.  Luckily, he changed and is now who he should have been all along.  His book tells about this change and also is a warning for all of you in the gang culture to not believe in loyalty, or in the whole fantasy gang life.  As soon as you get jumped in, you are considered a criminal in society, and society if they get a chance, will put you in prison.  So before you decide to get "jumped in", know that this means you are getting jumped in to prison, to your family being dishonored, to your family having to visit and support you in prison, and to losing your freedom.  If that's what you want, then get jumped in, and never complain when it happens whether you get convicted for a crime that you did or did not do.  Dean does not complain.  He feels that he was playing roulette and lost.  He feels badly now for hurting his family whom he loves and for acting the fool.  He only hopes that he will not be in prison for life.
  To emotional "anonymous", why do you not have the courage to say who you are and claim your thoughts on Dean?  I put myself out here with my thoughts, and those who send positive comments for Dean, always identify themselves.   We are all on a karmic path in this life and all have struggles.  We should not be cruel to one another.   Life is hard enough.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Arizona Trial

Isn't it amazing how in Arizona as shown lately in the news, that the jury in the Arias case gets to ask the defendant questions, and she gets to answer them?    I think about how wonderful that would have been if jurors could have asked Dean questions and then heard his answers, instead of just relying on the D.A.'s interpretations of the events.  One example is; that the D.A. kept repeating that one sneeze could not have spattered all those blood drops on the dash and steering wheel.  If Dean had been asked about that, he could have explained that the blood drops were not from the sneeze.  The sneeze is what caused his nose to bleed (which happened frequently to him).  As he was driving, he pinched his nose so blood wouldn't pour out.  As the fingers got blood filled, he would then shake them off, and repeat trying to stop the blood flow.   From the email from the jury foreman to us, we saw that the jury all agreed that "one sneeze could not cause that many drops on the dash and wheel". (They just repeated what the D.A. said.)
  There were many instances of this, and how much more clear would it have been, if they could have asked questions to Dean directly?  It's just a shame that Dean's trial was in Orange County, Ca. 
All we can hope for now is that the Federal courts see how unfair Dean's trial was and how ridiculous it was to give him life in prison without parole.  That jury has terrible karma.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

new comment

We got an email from Mary who knew Dean and expressed her good wishes and prayers for us and Dean. Thank you so much for your communication. It's nice to know that people are praying for us and for Dean's freedom.  We are glad you liked the book. The more people that read it, the more good it can do.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Four Years of Freedom

That is the name of Dean's book.  It is an amazing story and you can get it on
 The reviews on it are excellent and many who have read it, want it to be a movie.  I would love to see that happen.  It is an important story to be out there, for many reasons.  Dean gave us his book as a Thank You gift for still loving him while he put us through such hardship.  We published it.  We hope all of you read it and let us know how it affected you.
He is currently writing another novel.