Friday, March 29, 2013

Habeas Filed

Well, our family project of the federal Habeas appeal has been filed.  We all pray that it will be read and work in Deans favor.  Strange thing... when I filed it in person at the courthouse, a question came up and the Magistrates clerk was called.  She told the window filer that she remembers my name because someone called her saying they were me and asking questions about the case.  Hmmmmm?????  I told them it wasn't me and I would like to know who would do this and that maybe I should ask the FBI to investigate.  He told me not to worry, that if it happened again, they would check phone records and be on it.  Is this more shenanigans by the prosecution?  Hopefully, the clerk was confusing me with someone else, and it was someone with a similar name.  Time will tell.   Happy Easter beginnings.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Life imprisonment

So.... the guy that shot Gabby Gifford and killed six others gets Life in prison.  He has a possibility of parole.  Yet, Dean, convicted in the death of one person and wrongly so, gets life without parole.
If he does not get pardoned or win another trial, he will die one day of old age in prison.  Did his jury even understand this?    I think all of them will one day be in a prison of their own, whether through illness or isolation, and when they are, they can remember their punishment of Dean, and will understand why.  Karma is part of the universe.  No one can escape it. 
 To the snitches who lied, why do you think your lives suck, and why you can never get ahead?  Until you make right what you did to Dean, don't expect any kind of a wonderful life.  Dean is paying karmically for his mistakes right now.  No one can get away from it.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Man set free after 23 years

I just read in the news paper that a man was set free after 23 years because it was proven that jail house snitches had lied, police had lied and intimidated witnesses, and the prosecutor had gone along with all of it on convicting this innocent man of murder.  It happened in New York. A new District Attorney re-opened the case and found all the deceit.  Another case of bad cops, and using jail house snitches.   Hmmmmm.....sound familiar? 
 If only this could happen for Dean, sooner... rather than later.  Of course, this man had never been a gang member, so the chances for Dean are probably remote.  Life can be soooo sad, and then so wonderful.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Bad wishes from anonymous

It's interesting how the few people who believe that Dean is guilty and post a comment with mean thoughts, never put their name behind it.  It always says anonymous. 
Yesterday, someone emotionally wrote mean things on the blog.  She called Dean a liar and murderer, and hoped he rotted in prison.  She probably had trouble understanding what she was reading on the blog, and for some reason wants to hate Dean.  People who hate and are judgmental, freak out when a part of them hears the truth and it is not what they have been basing their hate on.  It is hard to get someone who has believed a friend or relative's lies about another, to now accept the truth, and what they had believed, is really wrong.  They do not want to give up that energy that comes from hate and anger.  Their ego does not want to be wrong.  This person who hates Dean, and does not know him, has believed someone else's lies about him. I do not think that this person realizes that Dean has life in prison without any parole.  That is usually the punishment for serial killers, mass murders, violent repetitive acts against others, pre-meditated murder against a wife or friend etc.  She wanted Dean to rot in prison for what?  He did not kill Miguel, and he has never killed any one.  He messed up in his teen years and was involved in criminal acts just like the rest of the gang, but he would never murder any one, nor did he ever try to.   He was railroaded by supposed friends and made the scapegoat, and then unjustly given more punitive charges than is normal.  There are many gang members in prison for things that they did not do, but because they were in a gang, and did other crimes, they end up getting convicted for something they did not do.  As soon as a juror hears that a defendant is or was a gang member, that juror (in Orange County) no longer cares if the defendant is innocent. The juror just wants to get rid of another gang member from society.  If the charge is not murder, that defendant will eventually get out of prison.  Hopefully when he does, he will be a better person and stay away from gangs and drugs.  Any one who is in a gang and does drugs will end up in prison if caught.  They only have themselves to blame.  They need to take it well, and not start lying to get out, like Dean's snitches did.  This only adds to their karma, and not in a good way. 
 Dean was really an idiot to be in a gang and to do drugs.  Luckily, he changed and is now who he should have been all along.  His book tells about this change and also is a warning for all of you in the gang culture to not believe in loyalty, or in the whole fantasy gang life.  As soon as you get jumped in, you are considered a criminal in society, and society if they get a chance, will put you in prison.  So before you decide to get "jumped in", know that this means you are getting jumped in to prison, to your family being dishonored, to your family having to visit and support you in prison, and to losing your freedom.  If that's what you want, then get jumped in, and never complain when it happens whether you get convicted for a crime that you did or did not do.  Dean does not complain.  He feels that he was playing roulette and lost.  He feels badly now for hurting his family whom he loves and for acting the fool.  He only hopes that he will not be in prison for life.
  To emotional "anonymous", why do you not have the courage to say who you are and claim your thoughts on Dean?  I put myself out here with my thoughts, and those who send positive comments for Dean, always identify themselves.   We are all on a karmic path in this life and all have struggles.  We should not be cruel to one another.   Life is hard enough.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Arizona Trial

Isn't it amazing how in Arizona as shown lately in the news, that the jury in the Arias case gets to ask the defendant questions, and she gets to answer them?    I think about how wonderful that would have been if jurors could have asked Dean questions and then heard his answers, instead of just relying on the D.A.'s interpretations of the events.  One example is; that the D.A. kept repeating that one sneeze could not have spattered all those blood drops on the dash and steering wheel.  If Dean had been asked about that, he could have explained that the blood drops were not from the sneeze.  The sneeze is what caused his nose to bleed (which happened frequently to him).  As he was driving, he pinched his nose so blood wouldn't pour out.  As the fingers got blood filled, he would then shake them off, and repeat trying to stop the blood flow.   From the email from the jury foreman to us, we saw that the jury all agreed that "one sneeze could not cause that many drops on the dash and wheel". (They just repeated what the D.A. said.)
  There were many instances of this, and how much more clear would it have been, if they could have asked questions to Dean directly?  It's just a shame that Dean's trial was in Orange County, Ca. 
All we can hope for now is that the Federal courts see how unfair Dean's trial was and how ridiculous it was to give him life in prison without parole.  That jury has terrible karma.