Monday, June 17, 2013

Message from Dean to the gal with the cactus plant.

This is verbatim from Dean.  " Thank You girl with the cactus.  I was really really happy to get your letter.  I completely understand your desire for discretion; being that you are married and all.  But, I would really like to respond to your letter one time.  In one week, I will send a response to the shop where you left the plant.  It will be waiting there if you want it.  If not, worries, I understand. 
I too, wish you the best in life.  Thank You for your kind letter."

Quite a few people have written Dean after reading his book. He answers everybody.  He really appreciates the letters.  His address is at the end of his book.

Monday, June 10, 2013

A good letter from former classmate

Well, we got back from our first two week vacation in 34 years.  We went to Italy and Greece, and agreed with Dean; that Venice is wonderful, as well as Tuscany.  I loved the serenity of the Greek Isles.   Waiting for us at the shop was a lovely cactus plant and a letter for Dean from a former highschool acquaintance of Dean.  Her letter was insightful and kind, though I found one of her memories hard to accept.  I wonder if she heard wrong.  But then, Dean was a somewhat bent person in H.S.       Dean was never expelled from highschool.  I took him out because he was wasting the teachers' time, always falling asleep in class.  I put him in continuation school, until he was sent to prison for the car joy riding that is in the book.  Dean eventually got his GED.
 To answer a question from you;  Yes, Dean wrote the book.  Who knew he could write and tell a story. He sent me 10 pages at a time from prison.  We were not allowed to edit or change anything.  He said if a book publisher picked it up, then they could edit it.  He wanted his voice to come through.
 As a parent who has gone through this nightmare with a son who was frankly mentally ill for awhile, I am just so happy that he is normal and clear headed again.  He found himself during his four years of freedom, and he will never lose himself again.
 Thank you for taking the time to write, and to care.  Your letter was very interesting.  I wish you all the best.