Monday, July 15, 2013

Another trial with a jury who follows instruction.

Well, of course, I am going to comment on the Zimmerman trial.  Six women got together and studied the evidence, left their opinions out of it, followed the rules of law, and came back with "Not Guilty".   There was plenty of reasonable doubt in this case, even though we know the death of Trayvon is ultimately the fault of Zimmerman.  We women, as mothers, know how sad and tragic this was for Trayvon's mother. She lost a son to a senseless tragedy brought about by stupid decisions.
Zimmerman was guilty of negligence that caused a death, and those were the charges that should have been brought.  Why the prosecutor went for murder is beyond me.  Most people do not want to send someone to prison for life unless the case is airtight.  (Of course Dean's jury is excluded here.)
  It's interesting how life is, how one jury can be so much more on the ball than another, and it is the roll of the dice of what type of people a defendant gets to ultimately decide his or hers' fate. 
Dean got the worst group of people as jurors, but Zimmerman lucked out.   He actually did shoot Trayvon and admitted that, and that he followed him with a gun.  Dean said that he was never at his trials murder scene and all testimony was by snitches who wanted to make deals to get out of prison.
Eyewitness testimony described no one like Dean.    Yep .... It's the luck of the draw what kind of jury one gets.   Just hope you never need one.