Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Summer is ending.

Well, Dean survived another hot summer. We visited him twice in the heat. No fun.  He is working almost every day supervising the day room and it's activiites.  The prisoners respect and like him, so there is no trouble.  Many of the guards are friendly with him too.   He amazes me at how well he handles prison.
  His appeal is still in the works.  He is in the response stage to the Attorney General's  reply. It's interesting how the Deputy attorney General concedes that there was misconduct by the prosecutor but in their opinion, not enough to prevent a fair trial.  I guess in California, it is okay to have prosecutors abuse the law and not be fined or reprimanded by the BAR.
 Hopefully, the magistrate will feel differently.  I know that one day, when God decides, that everything will fall into place for Dean to be free.  Until then, we all just keep doing the best that we can in life.  Dean's sister is getting married next year when her fiancee comes back from serving his country in Africa.  Wouldn't it be great, if he could be out for the wedding?
 If any of the jurors or false informants want to know why their life is not good, the answer is karma. It won't be right until they make right the wrong that was done to Dean. We as humans, all are connected and if you do not realize it now, you will in eternity.
   I recently read a case about another wrongful conviction due to police misconduct and prosecutor misconduct in Los Angeles.  Luckily, the pro bono help got the informers to all recant their testimony and admit the sheriff coerced them to say the false testimony twenty years ago.  Franky Carrillo now has his freedom from death row.  He is in college now and public speaking to teens.  Our justice system needs reform.