Thursday, November 14, 2013

Another man goes free after years of incarceration.

I was glad to hear in the news that Ryan Ferguson was finally set free. I signed his petition on where we have Deans petition.  I hope all of you find it and sign it for Dean. Anyway, Ryan was convicted on snitch testimony just like Dean was.  The snitch recanted years later and said that he felt pressured to say what he did.  Even after that snitch came clean, it was still years before it was taken seriously and Ryan was let go.  Prosecutors hate to be wrong and fight these kinds of things.  It takes huge interest from others to get freedom accomplished.  I sure pray that at least one of the snitches in Deans case comes forward with the truth. He might have to get hit with a perjury charge but at least his karma would be improved.  I know that when it is my time to leave this earth, I want my conscience to be clear. 

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Response to Sandra

Thank you Sandra for your support.  I hope the book helped you and that your son will read it too.  I cannot think of anything that you could do to help except what you are doing.  Getting the word out is important.  I have a petition going for a pardon for Dean through    I will probably start a facebook page for Dean and post it on there.  I have faith that he will be free again.  Pray pray pray.

Another letter from a reader of Four Years of Freedom

Hello Tara and Jay. Mr. Green came into my work a few weeks ago and I told him a story about my 19 year old son who was in OCJ for fighting. He told me Deans story. He then showed up at my work again with "Four Years of Freedom". Jay is his auto mechanic. I read the book in two days and couldn't put it down. I am now obsessed with sharing the story with EVERYONE that will listen. I emailed and Facebooked everyone... Just trying to get his story out there... I believe Dean !! I believe he was done wrong by... well lot's of people. Jacobs Family If I can help let me know. I am a local and I work in San Clemente. ( I am not rich..sorry and I dont have a law degree)But I would love to help if I can... I would love one day to have a shrimp cocktail with Dean at Fishermans on the the pier someday soon !! Let me know... Sandra Roth