Monday, December 29, 2014

Helpful posts

Christmas has passed.  We spent a nice family one, minus Dean of course.  He called though and talked to many.  He was lucky to have a delicious Christmas meal. Ironwood cooks special things for the holidays. The prisoners are grateful for that.  Hopefully this new year will bring Dean's release. 
  We got two helpful posts on this blog recently.  One sent us to the link for the Innocence Project.  The other to a new podcast called Serial which takes a true crimes story and retells it in episodes, and lets the audience decide guilt or innocence.   I think that Dean's case would be perfect for this type of thing. to get their attention to Dean's book is another thing.????  Any suggestions out there?
  About the Innocence Project.... they were involved with Dean's case since the first conviction.  They helped us with various experts.  They finally had to give up when every effort to talk to the snitches was rebuffed.  The innocence project believes in Dean's innocence from various other evidence and non evidence, but says that they cannot do anything about dumb juries.  The only way to get a new trial is to win the appeal for one, or convince a snitch to change and tell the real truth to help Dean.  So far, neither one has given results yet.
The Innocence project has helped win reversals with trials using DNA results that were not used in the first trials.  This could not apply in Deans case.  The DNA in his case complicated things in the minds of the jury.
 But,  Thank You to the person or people who left us these helpful links.  We always look for new ideas in getting Dean's freedom.

Monday, November 24, 2014

News article on OC snitches

I just read an article in the OC Register on the use of jailhouse snitches by the prosecutors in Orange County.  Not only do they use criminals to help them with their cases, but they spoil these criminals while they are in jail, and also pay them big money.  Once they have the information that they want, they do not release it to the public defenders on the cases.  Finally, a judge is acknowledging this corrupt behavior, but of course makes excuses for the prosecutors.   Don't prosecutors realize that criminals lie, and that the info that they come up with could be totally bogus?  Maybe, they do realize this, but do not care.  Prosecutors move them in the jail close to someone or in the same cell with someone that they want info on.  What I would like to know is:  If the informant actually found out that the accused person was innocent, and the taped conversation has him stating his innocence; can that be used in court for the defendant?  Most likely, the defense would never even know if such a tape existed.  I wonder if one does in Dean's case.  Maybe somewhere, a planted snitch in jail with him ,was taped and Dean declared his innocence. 
 It seems to me that many cops make up most of the evidence in a case, so as just to get it over with. As long as they are arresting a "criminal", then it is alright to frame someone.  When it comes to gang members, no one cares if they are guilty or innocent of a crime, just as long as they are off the streets.
 So if any one reading this is a young person who thinks joining a gang is cool, DON'T!   You could get accused of a crime that you did not do, but because you are a gang member, you will get convicted in Orange County.
  One of Dean's snitches was a professional one, and the other thought he could tell a fantastic story that would solve his problem of getting out of prison, and that Dean would be able to prove his innocence, and get free. His story was so unbelievable, that he thought jurors would be smart enough to see it, and let Dean go.  Of course, he did not realize that it did not matter. Orange County jurors are not bright, and only want to lock up anyone who is or was in a gang.  Then in the second trial, the two previous defendants with Dean turned on him, and thought that if they just stuck to this fantastic made up story, that a better jury would let him go, and then every one would be free; because when they turned, they became free from prosecution.  They already knew the bogus story, because they sat through the whole first trial and listened to it. They already knew that Deans DNA was not on the sock with the victims DNA, and they knew that the DNA on his shoe was closer to their DNA then to Deans.  Surely, a jury would understand that and not convict Dean.
  Too bad that the prosecution would not give a deal to them for the real truth. They should have told the real truth anyway, but they did not want to go back to prison. They know that they will have to answer to God if they do not make this right.
  It should be against the law to use criminals as snitches.  Criminals are liars, and will say whatever they need to,, to get the deal and not stay in prison.  Our justice system is very flawed. 

Friday, October 10, 2014

October wedding

Here it is October already, and one week away from Andrea's wedding.  It will be such a special event.  Sadly Dean cannot be there, but he is so happy for her.  She is marrying a wonderful man.
Dean received another long fan letter from a man who read and enjoyed his book. He went into depth about it, and Dean really felt good after reading the letter.  Getting letters from readers and friends and writing them back is what makes Deans' life in prison bearable.  Keep it up people.
Have a happy fall.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

A visit from a Fan

This last week-end, a fan of Dean's book flew in from Washington to visit Dean in prison. She is an emergency care R.N..  I took her through the journey of the 3 hour drive, and the ordeal of going through visitor processing.  She has a son going through difficult teen years.  His situation is identical to what Deans was when in high school.  After two days of visiting with Dean, she said "He is exactly what I pictured. I am even more sure now of his innocence, and that it is a tragedy that he is not out giving speeches to young people and parents."   She wonders how any one could have ever thought that he was a murderer.  Well, 12 dumb, lazy, punitive minded jurors did.   Orange County is full of them, and the prosecutors know just how to pick them.   Smart jurors always find a way to get out of jury duty.  Such a sad pathetic system.
 I encourage any jury member to write Dean in prison, and ask anything you want.  He will answer you. If you want to visit him, ask him for a visiting form .  You must get approved by the prison, but then you can go visit.   He is open to talking to anyone.  He has more forgiveness in his heart than I do.    His address is at the end of his book or right here.
  Dean Jacobs  #G30030
 ISP  A-2-239
P.O. Box 2199
Blythe,  Ca. 92226

Thursday, April 3, 2014

How to keep your kid from joining a gang?

From my experiences with Dean, parents have asked me what I would do differently, and how can they make sure that their son will stay away from gangs.   I think about that frequently.
 I think that most surefire way to keep them away from gangs is to enroll them in private school from 6th grade and on. It is worth it to sacrifice financially for this.  Once, they go off to college, the gang threat disappears. Of course wild partying does not. 
If however, you cannot afford this at all, then as a parent, you must be very vigilante and involved. Make sure your son has sports or other school activities that he is involved in.  Hire tutors if his grades are poor. (many Boys and Girls Clubs have free help with homework).  If he needs to be with friends, have them over to your house and keep a watch over them. If any of his friends get into criminal trouble, make sure that friend is banned from his social life.  I was  too kind and forgiving about this, thinking that teenagers will learn after getting in trouble.(only a small few do)
 Do not let them roam with friends at night. Know their plans and check up on them.  It is better to let the friends hang out at your place, than roam.  If your son starts dressing like a hood, tell him that he looks like a criminal and that will get police attention.  Make him change his clothes. 
 Talk to your sons about the pitfalls of gangs.  Make them read true stories of gang members whose lives were ruined. Also have them read wrongful conviction stories and stories of police corruption, so they know that they will probably not get a fair trial. 
 Give them a faith based home, and love and acceptance.  Spend quality time with them, especially the fathers.  It really is hit and miss for parents if their children go to public middle schools and high schools, and if they are not paying attention to changes in their child. 
 I also think getting your child involved in community charities is mandatory. They need to know that they can make a difference in a positive way.  I did a lot of charity work, but never involved Dean in it.  I wish I had.  Andrea however, did do community service things.
  Dean cared way too much about being cool, and getting away from bullies.  The gang was there to fulfill that need.  I never realized until too late how much he had changed from the honest sweet kid that he started out as.  I never knew that he had been bullied or threatened. 
 His life now is not how it should be, but I have faith that his next one will be.
I do not have any answers on how to keep your kid from doing drugs though.  They are either attracted to it or not. Most who do, are self medicating for various reasons.  All a parent can do is educate them on drugs, and set a good example themselves.  One child of mine did drugs, and the other never even smoked a cigarette.  There are pitfalls everywhere on the path of young adulthood.

Monday, March 10, 2014


Well, tomorrow is Dean's 39th birthday.   16 years of his life have been in prison.  10 of those were for this crime that he did not commit.   Thank God, he started his life with a spiritual understanding.  it has kept him strong, knowing that his next life will be good as he will have zero karmic debt.  I hope that I will not be visiting him in prison when I am 80 years old.  I pray that a miracle happens, like witnesses recant, or a crooked investigator reveals the truth.  Hopefully, the appeals court will grant a third trial and we will get a smarter jury.

Friday, February 7, 2014

More suspicious activity

For some reason, the superior court intends to destroy all the exhibits in Dean's case, even though there is an appeal going on. I wonder if the prosecutor is behind this.  He had a few exhibits that were twisting the truth, especially when it came to the DNA and "supposed blood spots".  Maybe he wants to get rid of them, so the federal court cannot see his deceptions when It reviews the case.  Well, we will try to stop this.  There are always hurdles to overcome when it comes to dealing with the government.    I hope he gets get caught if this is his doing.
 So many secrets and lies in this case.   It's enough to make one wonder what happened to the law, and to honesty.  Everything seems to be about winning, not decency.