Monday, November 24, 2014

News article on OC snitches

I just read an article in the OC Register on the use of jailhouse snitches by the prosecutors in Orange County.  Not only do they use criminals to help them with their cases, but they spoil these criminals while they are in jail, and also pay them big money.  Once they have the information that they want, they do not release it to the public defenders on the cases.  Finally, a judge is acknowledging this corrupt behavior, but of course makes excuses for the prosecutors.   Don't prosecutors realize that criminals lie, and that the info that they come up with could be totally bogus?  Maybe, they do realize this, but do not care.  Prosecutors move them in the jail close to someone or in the same cell with someone that they want info on.  What I would like to know is:  If the informant actually found out that the accused person was innocent, and the taped conversation has him stating his innocence; can that be used in court for the defendant?  Most likely, the defense would never even know if such a tape existed.  I wonder if one does in Dean's case.  Maybe somewhere, a planted snitch in jail with him ,was taped and Dean declared his innocence. 
 It seems to me that many cops make up most of the evidence in a case, so as just to get it over with. As long as they are arresting a "criminal", then it is alright to frame someone.  When it comes to gang members, no one cares if they are guilty or innocent of a crime, just as long as they are off the streets.
 So if any one reading this is a young person who thinks joining a gang is cool, DON'T!   You could get accused of a crime that you did not do, but because you are a gang member, you will get convicted in Orange County.
  One of Dean's snitches was a professional one, and the other thought he could tell a fantastic story that would solve his problem of getting out of prison, and that Dean would be able to prove his innocence, and get free. His story was so unbelievable, that he thought jurors would be smart enough to see it, and let Dean go.  Of course, he did not realize that it did not matter. Orange County jurors are not bright, and only want to lock up anyone who is or was in a gang.  Then in the second trial, the two previous defendants with Dean turned on him, and thought that if they just stuck to this fantastic made up story, that a better jury would let him go, and then every one would be free; because when they turned, they became free from prosecution.  They already knew the bogus story, because they sat through the whole first trial and listened to it. They already knew that Deans DNA was not on the sock with the victims DNA, and they knew that the DNA on his shoe was closer to their DNA then to Deans.  Surely, a jury would understand that and not convict Dean.
  Too bad that the prosecution would not give a deal to them for the real truth. They should have told the real truth anyway, but they did not want to go back to prison. They know that they will have to answer to God if they do not make this right.
  It should be against the law to use criminals as snitches.  Criminals are liars, and will say whatever they need to,, to get the deal and not stay in prison.  Our justice system is very flawed.