Monday, December 29, 2014

Helpful posts

Christmas has passed.  We spent a nice family one, minus Dean of course.  He called though and talked to many.  He was lucky to have a delicious Christmas meal. Ironwood cooks special things for the holidays. The prisoners are grateful for that.  Hopefully this new year will bring Dean's release. 
  We got two helpful posts on this blog recently.  One sent us to the link for the Innocence Project.  The other to a new podcast called Serial which takes a true crimes story and retells it in episodes, and lets the audience decide guilt or innocence.   I think that Dean's case would be perfect for this type of thing. to get their attention to Dean's book is another thing.????  Any suggestions out there?
  About the Innocence Project.... they were involved with Dean's case since the first conviction.  They helped us with various experts.  They finally had to give up when every effort to talk to the snitches was rebuffed.  The innocence project believes in Dean's innocence from various other evidence and non evidence, but says that they cannot do anything about dumb juries.  The only way to get a new trial is to win the appeal for one, or convince a snitch to change and tell the real truth to help Dean.  So far, neither one has given results yet.
The Innocence project has helped win reversals with trials using DNA results that were not used in the first trials.  This could not apply in Deans case.  The DNA in his case complicated things in the minds of the jury.
 But,  Thank You to the person or people who left us these helpful links.  We always look for new ideas in getting Dean's freedom.