Thursday, November 19, 2015


Ever since Dean was sadly convicted, I have turned it over to God.  I pray at night that the truth of corrupt detectives and prosecutors in Orange County will be revealed.  Now it is happening.  A panel of former federal and state prosecutors and defense lawyers are exposing the wrongdoings and delving into cases.  This gives me hope for Dean's case because the first snitch was a professional one, and the rest went along with the story to get out of prison.   This might give Ramon the courage to come forward and tell the truth as he was coerced by the prosecutor and wanted to avoid prison.  I pray Dean's case will be looked at by this panel.  
  The jurors were too dumb and judgmental to see through the lies. The alternate juror saw it, but that doesn't help.  It's too bad jurors can't be held accountable.  Well....they will be judged one day by God.  
  The story is on the front page of the Orange County Register today.
Meanwhile, Dean keeps up his writing.  He is writing fiction stories now, and enjoying it.  He likes the sound of his, they cannot have computers in prison.
  Happy Thanksgiving!  Pray for a miracle.