Tuesday, January 12, 2016

More and more awareness of our corrupt and one-sided justice system.

More people every day are becoming aware of our one sided corrupt courts, thanks to shows like Serial and To Make a Murderer on Netflix.  If only Dean's case could be reviewed by one of these shows.    These true case profiles illustrate how jurors get bamboozled by prosecutors, judges and police to get a guilty conviction.  Defense information is with held from defense attornies, and illegal maneuvers by prosecutors are allowed by judges who care more about keeping their jobs then being a guardian of the law during a trial.  I hope these practices coming to light will help Dean in his appeal.
  His jurors who were reckless and lazy did not realize that Dean was being put away for Life without the possibility of parole.  They were sending him to die in prison on a case that was made up by a snitch and a sheriff detective.  NO PAROLE, NOT EVEN A POSSIBILITY OF PAROLE.  That kind of punishment is meant for serial killers, terrorists, torturers, premeditated killers, and child killers.  The prosecutor should not even been able to bring those charges on him, but the judge was too afraid of the district attorney office to protect the law, and Dean.   He said"Let the higher court decide that one."   Next joke.  After one appeal granted, the appellate court is less likely to grant another or even care.  
  If any jurors are watching these shows and feeling guilty, and think they can offer something new for Dean's case, contact Joel Garson, not Jack Early (who failed Dean miserably). Joel Garson was Dean's first attorney, has read his book, and cares.  He has an office in Anahem. The phone number is 714-258-7200.  
 Also, any one else who knows the snitches and knows they lied can come forward too.  Something has to happen so Dean is not in prison for the rest of his life.
 Dean has suffered long enough in prison for his youthful choice of joining a gang, which he long ago broke all ties with and is embarrassed of.  It has been 10 years and he did not ever commit a murder, or anything violent besides a brawl.
 Please pray for Dean and that someone comes forward to expose the wrong doing. I am so glad though that innocent people are being set free from what seems like hopeless cases.