Friday, May 19, 2017

60 Minutes will cover the OC snitch machine

To all you jurors of Dean's trial and friends who feel for Dean, be sure and watch 60 Minutes on CBS on Sunday to hear the report on the corrupt cops and DA's and their history of using fake snitches to help them win trials.   This is exactly what happened to Dean.  Salazar was a professional snitch, and I think Johnny Roy became one.  
  Also, you might want to read the series from the OC Weekly newspaper on Detective Hoffman and his habit of planting evidence and being unethical.  When things started closing in on him, he retired.  Prosecutor Gundy has been demoted since he was caught tampering with witnesses.  All of this went on in Dean's trial and because jurors refused to use their brain and wanted to punish a "gang member", Dean was convicted.  He has life without parole because Gundy added charges to make sure Dean would be locked up for trial(no parole, means no bail) and therefore seem more guilty.  The chicken Judge Stotler who I bet is in the DA's pocket refused to remove the unjust "capital charges".  
 We are a glad that these evil players in our justice system are being exposed, and now we have to use that to try and get Dean's sentence lessened so that he can get parole.
  If anyone has information that can help with this or knows of  jury tampering, let us know.  These jurors will have to face their karma one day.  They took away the life of Dean and God will make them face their indifference.
  Dean's second book is out and called The Dreamrunner.  It is fiction and a supernatural story.  It is also written under a pseudonym.  
  One day Orange County might have a fair justice system.   Power tends to corrupt though.